Chapter 4 - Surprises and Well More Surprises

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Unedited! sorry for any errors I was too eager to get this up.  Enjoy!


I woke up alone, I was sad that Brandon had left again while I was sleeping. I heard someone snoring; looking around there was Brandon, Ryan, and Jake all sleeping on the floor. "Mya?" I heard someone whisper.

"Ray? What happened?"

"You kicked Brandon off the couch in your sleep, so he decided to let you have the couch and sleep on the floor. Jake and Ryan had done a few too many shots while you two were watching the movie and then proceeded to take a nap. They ended up crashing after finishing whatever movie you two fell asleep watching."

I started laughing, almost hysterically. Getting up, I walked around them as they seemed so peaceful. Finally getting over to where Raylynn was, I was all of a sudden hugged. "Happy birthday!" She squealed. Looking at the time I realized it was 12:02 A.M. "Thanks Ray. Um Ray, I'm getting married." I said calmly, I could see she was ready to scream in congrats, but I covered her mouth and rushed her up to my room.

"OMG!! Myanna Rose Rakslynn! You're getting married!" I rolled my eyes hearing her use my full name.

"Way to state the obvious Ray, why not add the fact that I'm pregnant."

"Okay, you're 13 weeks pregnant and are getting married to the father of your child!!" I stared at her laughing. "Thanks again."

"So what are we doing for your birthday tonight?"

"My dad found my mom's birthday plans; he had her assistant or ex assistant figure the rest out. By the way the theme is very classy and extravagant." My face looked happy, but I knew she could tell in my eyes that I was sad about not having my mom here.

"You miss her don't you?"

I nodded hoping the tears would go away, but they seemed to not want to stop coming.

"So what's your dress look like?" She asked helping me forget our last topic.

"It's a white floor length ball gown. It fits just perfectly, and it outlines my baby bump." I said rather excited.

"So you are actually happy everyone knows your pregnant? And you are going to flaunt it?" She asked no doubt hoping I was being sarcastic.

"Yep and yep." I gave her a smile. We laughed together. "Can you help me get the boys up stairs?" I asked getting up from our spot on my bed. "Sure, but you maybe we should wake up Brandon.  I think he could help a lot more than just you and I." I nodded and started down the stairs.

By the time we had woken up Brandon and had gotten Ryan and Jake up to Jake's room and tucked in it was almost 1:30 in the morning. Ray, Brandon, and I all crashed onto my bed. With Brandon in the middle Ray and I used him as a pillow and we all fell asleep.

I woke up with Brandon's arms around my waist. Trying to wiggle out of them his grip just got tighter. "Brandon I have to pee.." I heard him groan, knowing he didn't want to let me go. "Fine." He let me go, I got up and started towards my bathroom, walking in I realized Ray was sitting on the floor next to the toilet. "Ray, do you have something to tell me?" I questioned.

"Umm, I'm ten weeks Mya."

"Who's the father?" I asked, because last I knew she wasn't dating anyone.

"Mya don't be mad, please, its Jake's." I smirked.

"I knew it! I knew it! I so called it!" I started laughing as I brushed through my hair.

"So you're not mad?"

"Nope, I'm ecstatic. We're having babies together!" I helped her up. "Does my brother know you're pregnant?"

"No, I only found out a few weeks ago."

"Okay then come one, we're going to go tell him now." I said pushing her gently out of the bathroom. Brandon wasn't on the bed or anywhere in my room for that matter so he must have went down stairs. We walked down stairs, hearing noise in the kitchen I pushed her that way.

We entered and saw the boys and Savannah cooking what I assumed was breakfast. "Um, you guys Ray has something to tell y'll."

"Jake, I'm um, you're going to be a father." She whispered, but we all heard her. Savannah started laughing. "The old I'm pregnant, nice one Raylynn." "It's not a joke Savannah, I'm 10 weeks pregnant. And Jake is the father." Everyone was quiet. I noticed that Jake was smiling at Raylynn.

*Jake's Point of view*

She was pregnant. With my child. I may only be 19, but I was ecstatic that I was going to be a father. I noticed Mya had seen me smiling at Ray.

"Ray, why didn't you tell me sooner I was going to be a father?"

"I thought you would be mad, I.. I'm sorry."  

"It's okay." I pulled her into my arms, wrapping mine around her waist.

*Mya's Point of View*

I watched my brother and best friend leave the kitchen, which left Ryan, Savannah, Brandon and me. "So that's interesting news to get on my birthday." I said giggling as Brandon wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned against him. "Very" They all said in unison.

We split up in pairs after we ate. Brandon and I were back in my room. "You got your tux right?"


 "What color is the bow tie?"

 "Black I think. By the way, I have a surprise for you tonight. Everyone already knows, but they won't tell you. Since you can't know yet."

 "So not fair." I said before I kissed him. "Seducing me won't work either."

"Damn." We laughed. "I better go get ready." I hadn't realized so much time had gone by, I only had 3 hours to get ready for tonight. "Fine, but I better like my surprise." "You will." He kissed me good-bye and then I was alone in my room.

I heard a knock on my door. It was my hair and make-up stylists. Let the pampering begin.

*3 hours later*

I had my hair half up half down with the bottom curled. My nails were painted with French tips same for my toes. My make-up was simple and natural looking. I had three people helping me in my dress, and was hating now that I had to wear a corset. "I can't breathe." I complained.

" That's your own fault." I heard Raylynn say as she came in wearing her lavender dress. I rolled my eyes. "You helped me pick out the dress too."

"It's time to make your entrance my dear." I heard my father say as he walked into my room. "Okay Dad." Raylynn helped me put on my silver heeled stilettos. "Let's go." They walked me to the stair case. I felt Ray put something in my hair; I realized it was a tiara veil. "Ray why the veil?" "You'll see." With that I watched her walk down the staircase, take a bouquet of white roses and start towards the backyard. I felt my dad wrap an arm around my waist as he helped me down the stairs. I was handed an even bigger bouquet of white roses. "Dad what's going on?" I asked as I heard a version of the wedding march being played by violins. "Just smile and walk. You'll see in a minute." With that we got closer to the back yard, I saw Ray walking out with Jake, who was soon followed by Savannah and Ryan. We got to the backyard doors and I looked out. All I saw was Brandon standing in front of an alter. I could feel tears coming, but pushed the thought of them behind me.


Hope you all like! Sorry for a bit of a cliff hanger!






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