Chapter 2--Finally Something happy?

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Aren’t my readers lucky? Two chapters in one day! Hope you all like it! And don’t forget to look at the rings to your right 


I was let out a few days later. The only thing I was looking forward for was my doctor’s appointment coming up soon. Dad had let me take the week off as long as I had Raylnn get my homework for the week which wasn’t hard to do.

          I was sitting on my bed on my laptop when I heard the door bell ring again for the freaking tenth time. I had gotten a ton of stuff in the mail from relatives since it just so happened to be the week of my 18th birthday. I was praying it wasn’t another big box like the last one was, I had to have the delivery guy come back to get it up to my room since it was too heavy for me to lift. I still had yet to open it. Getting back on track I started down the stairs.

          I opened the door sighing in relief that it wasn’t a delivery person, but my relief quickly vanished and became anger. Brandon was standing at my door again. My hand instinctively went to my stomach, which had started to be showing a bump now being 13 weeks along. I noticed he was staring at where my hands went.

          “Mya, I wanted to talk to you.”

          “About what?” I glared at him, but he still hadn’t taken his gaze off my stomach.

“The life that's growing inside of you that I helped create.”

“I thought you wouldn’t want to be a part of its life?” I said rather boldly.

“Mya, that wasn’t a joke to me, and I wasn’t lying when I told you I loved you.”

“Then why did they tape everything, post it on Facebook, twitter?!” I snapped at him.

“I didn’t know till they posted it, and it was too late to get it off everyone had seen it. Mya, please I want to be in your life, and raise our child.”

“How can I believe you? You’re going to have to show me. And you better not hurt us.” I hadn’t noticed he had covered my hands with his.

“I will shower you with love, I will be at ever appointment. I won’t leave your side day or night. I’m here.”

“Brandon.. I..”

“Dude we got that all on tape!” I heard someone shout from our hedges that were near the front door. I had tears in my eyes, ‘he used me again.’ What I didn’t expect was to see Marcy and Luke, who were two of my close friend step out of the hedges. They looked mad, and when I saw the broken video camera on the ground I knew why.

“You.. you two are against me? What the hell Marcy!” ‘so I have a temper get over it..’ I told myself.

“Mya, I’m sorry I.. just..”

“Mya calm down, before you add stress on the baby.” I heard Brandon say, he had his arms protectively around me.

“You’ve been reading about all the baby stuff?” I asked him taking my focus towards him rather than my now ex friends.

“I have seven different baby books, and at least 2 baby name books.” He gave me a smile, not a cocky one, but a real smile.

“Aww, you really do want to be here for us!” I turned around so I could hug him. After what I wished was a longer hug I felt him pick me up and he was carrying me back into the house. I heard the door close behind us.

“Which way to the kitchen?” He asked I pointed to the left and we were off to the big kitchen. He set me on the counter, which shocked me a bit. “Your 13 weeks right?” I nodded yes, before I tried to get down. He stopped me. “What do you want?” “An orange, please.” I giggled when he came back from the fridge with grapefruit and not an orange. “Umm Brandon, that’s a grapefruit. Not an orange.”

“Oh, my bad.” He went back and put the grapefruit back and took out an actual orange. He peeled it and put the flesh of the orange in a napkin before handing it to me. I started to eat the wedges as I watched him clean up the peelings.

“So why did it take you so long to tell me that you want to be in her life?”

“It’s a girl?”

“No, idk I’m guessing it is.”

 “Oh, well I didn’t put it together till a couple months ago, -I mean that you were pregnant- till Raylynn told me. When I found out I went straight to looking for books on it. I wanted to be prepared.”

 “Oh, I see, remind me to thank Raylynn next time I see her.

We laughed, he stoll one of my orange wedges, which caused an orange fight. I won in the end. And for my wining I got him to watch Finding Nemo with me. We were watching it on my bed, and before I knew it I was out.

*Brandon’s Point of view*

She had cuddled up close to me, I really didn’t want to disturb her sleep. I slowly got out of her grip covering her with a blanket and kissed her forehead. I pulled the ring box out of my pants pocket taking out the ring I placed it on her left ring finger. I really hoped she’d accept the ring. I didn’t want to leave her side, but I knew her father wouldn’t like it if he found us in her bed alone even with Finding Nemo playing. I grabbed my keys from the bed end and started towards the door I heard someone walking up the stairs as I got in the hall way.

“Brandon I assume?”

“Um yeah, I take it your Mya’s big brother Jake?” I saw him nod.

“I was just leaving, she fell asleep while we were watching Finding Nemo.” I watched as her brother started laughing.

“She never could stay awake to see the ending of that movie.” He explained. “Ah, well I’ll be going, please tell her I’ll be back tomorrow. I didn’t want to wake her up to tell her I was leaving.” He nodded. Walking passed him I walked down the big flight of stairs and got out to my car in one piece.

I couldn’t wait for her to wake up with that ring on her finger.


Okay I bit longer than I thought it was going to be but this was a funny chapter to write

So please





Thank you :)


Oh an I need you guys to vote on which ring you want me to have as the ring he gave her…  So comment either A or B or however they are labeled.

Thanks again.

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