Chapter 10

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Lily groaned as she rolled over toward the feeling of someone poking her, she expected that it was Cho or Luna waking with a sour stomach and in dire need of some sort of healing. instead Lily found herself staring into the wide, vertical pupils of Ellery who is gurgling hastily as she bounced up and down on Lily's bed. Propping herself on her elbow Lily sat up and grabbed her wand muttered a spell that looked tip up . She saw that Ellery was walking in circles getting herself in a knot before she would stop every few seconds to wine while facing the bedroom door.

"Need to use the lavatory?" She mumbled sleep dripping from her voice.

Pushing herself from the warm confines of her bed , Lily grabbed her student robe and pulled it on. Hopefully no one saw her as she let the dragon out for a leak. She scooped Ellery up in her arms and quietly tried it out of the dorm and down the stairs. No one was in the common room, so she slipped out and into the quiet corridor . Lily set Ellery down and was expecting the dragon to find a Patch of grass to do her business but instead the dragon made a Bolt for it toward the back entrance of the school that looked upon the forbidden forest.

"Ellery! No!" The girl cried.

If she didn't get the dragon back inside Lily would get detention for sure! The girl saw Ellery stop in her pursuit of freedom and the girl hastily snatched the disobedient pet into her arms and began to scold the dragon when she sensed that she was not alone . Lifting her eyes, she came face to face with Professor McGonagall and Draco Malfoy.

Professor McGonagall's eyebrows were raised in amusement at having caught the usually sweet Potter girl scolding her dragon who had evidently run away. Draco looked stunned at having busted not one but two of the Potter kids out after curfew in one night.

"Professor," Lily stuttered, "I'm sorry ...Ellery needed to relieve herself and then she just bolted ...she never does this ...I'm sorry."

mcgonagall chuckled and shook her head, "do not worry miss Potter. At least you have a valid excuse for being out. Mr. Malfoy just discovered your brother and his friends out after curfew . I believe I know why your pet ran off on you . If you would come with me to my office, I need to speak with you."

Lily nodded deciding to face her impending punishment and followed Professor McGonagall and Draco silently to the professor's office. When they arrived Harry, Ron and Hermione were there whispering together when they stared at Lily in shock before their eyes locked on Ellery and at once their faces twisted into guilt.

"Being out after curfew is against the rules. 50 points will be deducted from Gryffindor house," Professor McGonagall scolded, "50 points each."

The three kids groaned but they stopped abruptly when the professor glared at them meaningfully.

"And the four of you will be accompanying Hagrid on detention tomorrow night," the woman declared.

Harry immediately spoke up, "but professor, Lily did not do anything wrong."

the woman frowned, "I was not referring to miss Potter."

The smirk which had been shining brilliantly on Draco's face faded in two a confused frown. "But professor," the boy went to object but a silent stare from the woman made him hesitate.

"As good as your intentions were Mr. Malfoy you were also out after curfew."

Draco mumbled something about his father hearing about this when the three other kids grinned, rather pleased that Professor Snape was not the one who had called them.

"Professor," Lily spoke up, "shouldn't I be having detention as well? I was out after curfew too..."

the four other kids stared at the girl like she had grown 2 heads. Who would remind their teacher that they had done something wrong!? Professor McGonagall considered Lily thoughtfully.

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