Arrival (Part 1)

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3rd person pov

"I still don't think this is a good idea." Danny said as he stepped off the bus the school had used to get here. Sam and Tucker both had already gotten off the bus. "Well there's no turning back now." Sam replied. "Yea and this might be fun. Oh and you might get to meet the ninja." Tucker added as typed something on his new phone. "Who's the ninja?" Sam asked which suprised both Tucker and Danny. "The ninja of Norrisville, he protects Norrisville from monsters, robots and genetically modified creatures. A bunch of stuff." Danny explained. "Here's a video." Tucker chimed in and showed Sam a video of the ninja de-stanking someone. Sam looked kinda of indifferent and shrugged. "Well hopefully nothing will warrant us having to see him."


"I can't believe you managed to convince me to do this." Randy said while pacing up and down the locker room. "Oh come on it's fine. It's not like the ninja is actually competing desides the popularity you'll get will be honkin' bruce." Howard said while sitting on a bench and playing on Randy's phone as his had died earlier that day. Randy turned to look at Howard with an annoyed expression. "It's unfair and suspicious for me to compete when I've never been good at sports before." Howard waved dismissively. "Relax. No one gonna find out it's fine." The then rang signifying that all the teams needed to gather in the gym. Randy quickly changed out of his teal hoodie and into a different hoodie with the school logo on the front and a number assigned to him when he joined his team on the back. "Alright we need to run to the gym come on." Randy said, grabbing his phone out of Howard's hands while talking. Howard huffed annoyedly but got up and they both started their short run to the gym.

Once they got to the gym, Howard went and sat in bleachers and Randy quickly ran over to his team that were already all there. It seemed like they had been waiting on Randy as about a minute after he had got there, Heidi started welcoming Casper high and announcing the different competitions. "Well I personally think that everyone here is glad all of you could make it here. We all know it quite a long way from Amity Park.-" Randy kinda of tuned out Heidi and looked at the people he'd be competing against and saw mostly just the typical jocks you saw at any sports competition, the leader of this group seemed to a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Randy could tell this guy was going to annoying to deal with just from looking at him. Randy then decided to look and see who the academic team was as that group tended to be more interesting. Randy's attention was then immediately drawn to a cute guy with black haired and oddly enough blue eyes as well. However this boy's eyes were different, they were lighter but in a weird way, Randy couldn't really put his finger on it but something about them was weird. Randy dismissed it as nothing and went back the casually observing the boy. He was standing in the front of the group and looked kinda bored which Randy understood as these speeches were kinda useless. Randy decided that he had to talk to that boy at some point and went back to listen to Heidi's boring speech.

Danny honestly had stopped listening at this point and decided to look around at people he was competing against. It's best to know your enemy. There was a short blonde haired kid who seemed a little nervous about something, a tall dark blue haired boy who was obviously a little weird, a brown haired girl with glasses and braces and lastly a quite normal looking dark blue haired girl. Danny then looked at the athletics team and saw a purple haired boy with dark blue eyes who he was pretty cute. He decided that he was gonna find away to talk to him as he might as well make the most of being here.


After about an hour, the students of Casper high were told where they would stay, they would be staying in rooms of a hotel recently built and opened by McFist who was the person who funded the competition as well. The students were also assigned a person from Norrisville high to show them around and follow to their classes. Names were pulled and by pure luck Randy and Danny were put together.

AN: my friend will be making a cover for this soon and I will hopefully finish the next chapter within a week.

A competition between Schools (Ectoham)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang