The tour (part 2)

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(Warning btw: There's swearing.)

3rd person pov

The next day Randy and Danny met up with each other outside the school as they had exchange numbers yesterday and planned to meet up before school. Randy sat on the steps outside the school for a bit (without Howard cause he wanted to sleep in like usual). A few minutes after he had gotten to the school, Danny arrived. "Hi Randy." Danny waved as he got closer to the steps. Randy looked up from his phone, saw Danny and got up off the stairs. "Sup Danny." Randy did a little half wave. "do ya wanna go inside and get on with the tour of the school?" Danny walked up a few of the steps to be on the level as Randy. "I mean I wouldn't have met up with you if I didn't want tour around the school." Danny replied, he was slightly lying as he would have met up with Randy without a tour of the school. Randy laughed a little. "Yeah. Sorry, shall we we get on with it." Randy said while walking up the rest of the stairs. Danny followed him up and they started the tour.

~(Time skip to the last classroom on the tour cause I'm lazy)~

Randy had been a pretty good tour guide in Danny's eyes, they had one more room left which Danny hoped would take awhile cause Danny enjoying talking to Randy and listening to Randy's little anecdotes about each room in the school. He even had stories and the janitor's closet. The one thing that confused Danny the most was Randy's weird slang, Danny questioned to himself on whether it was a Norrisville thing or a Randy thing but figured that he would probably find out when school started. "We're here the last room. No one really comes back here anymore since there aren't any lockers in use over here and no classes are held over here unless the school damaged again by a monster or robot-" Randy seemed to be a little upset and mumbled something under his breath after that but Danny couldn't make out what he had added on to his sentence. He quickly went back to his normal happier tone though it seemed a little forced. "Anyway Howard and I usually use this room to skip classes and play games on our phones." Randy explained while he opened the to a pretty old classroom though it was obvious that they had to hold classes here often as the room wasn't dusty and there was practically new books scattered across the tables. Randy sat on one of the tables pushing a book out of the way as he did. "One time when me and Howard were ditching a teacher came into the classroom and we had to hide in the closet." Randy pointed to a closet in corner of the room. It was pretty small and looked like it would have been really uncomfortable to hide in. "This room is technically off limits but I hide in here all the time." Randy hopped off the table and gestured Danny to follow him as he left the room.

"So how did you like my tour?" Randy asked while he looked at Danny with his hand against the wall behind Danny. Randy had basically pinned him to the wall without even touching him. Danny blushed a little and quickly looked at the floor. "Urm I-It was nice. I enjoyed it." Randy smiled and took his hand off the wall. " Oh good! I worried I was boring you." Randy hadn't seemed to realise that Danny was flustered. "Anyway do you want me take you to the front of the school? I'm sure your friends will be here by now." Randy asked. Danny composed himself. "Sure. I mean you're probably going that way anyway. Right?" Danny responded calmly. Randy nodded and they both started walking to the entrance of the school.

Danny saw Sam and Tucker seemingly worried about something and walked over. "Hi guys." Danny smiled awkwardly. He just then
remembered that he hadn't told Tucker or Sam about the tour or Randy. "Where were you?! The first competition starts soon and we all have to be there." Sam said obviously worried but also annoyed that Danny didn't tell her where he was going. "Sorry... The guy I'm supposed to be shadowing for classes wanted to give me a tour." Danny explained awkwardly. He blushed a little the thought of Randy and the tour especially the way it ended. "Focus on the competition Danny. You don't really have much time to get this guy to be your boyfriend." Tucker chimed in, obviously noticing how flustered Danny actually was. Danny blushed even harder "I-it's not like that!" Sam and Tucker just looked at each other and then back at Danny with disbelieving expressions.


Randy walked over to Howard who was obviously annoyed he had to wait for Randy. "Hey Howard." Howard looked up at Randy. "Took you long enough. You need to go get ready for the first race. Ya' know the one you're competing in?!" Howard said as him and Randy walked over to the changing room. "Relax Howard, it's fine. Besides, it's not like I have choice now since Bash will beat shit out of me if bail." Randy said still slightly salty about Howard pushing him to do this. Randy opened the door to the changing room and walked into one of the stalls to change while Howard sat outside the stall waiting. "I know you're still a little salty about this but this will be a good thing. Imagine the popularity you'll get from winning. It'd be honkin' bruce." Randy sighed while he changed into some gym clothes he had been told to wear by the principle which wasn't exactly a bad thing since these were more comfortable and hid Randy's scars pretty well, the others he hid with plasters like the one on the side of his face which he always covered by a purple plaster. "That's if I win Howard, if I lose the entire school will hate me." Randy said as he put his shorts and shoes on. "I think you'll win. After all you are the ninja." Randy opened the door and walked out shoving in the locker assigned to him. He then turned to look at Howard with an annoyed expression. "Well Howard. I am Randy right now. Randall Cunningham. Ya' know, your best friend since we were 2. Not the ninja." Randy said obviously still angry at Howard. Randy was also just tired of the ninja part of him over shadowing everything else. It's was just tiring and a little annoying. Howard realised he had struck a nerve. "Alright. I'm sorry. I didn't mean like that." Howard stood up off the bench he was sitting on. Randy sighed and looked apologetic as well. "I know. I'm sorry. It just-I don't-" Randy sighed again and composed himself. "Let's get to the track. Well I go to the track and you go to the bleachers but yea." Randy and Howard then walked to the track.

AN: I am british so bear that in mind. With that said just in case someone didn't know 'plasters'= bandaids.

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