Ghosts (part 10)

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A few minutes into the class Randy came in and explained where he was and then sat next to Danny. "Hey Danny." Randy whispered and gave a little wave. Danny smiled and waved back. "Hi Randy." He whispered in response. Before they could continue their hushed conversation, a loud bang came from outside. They both looked out the window to see what was out there but couldn't see anything. Randy was pretty concerned about what that was and assumed it was some sort of robot but Danny knew better when he felt the drop in temperature and he could his breath in the air for a second. He looked Tucker who had noticed Danny's expression and immediately knew what was wrong. Randy had already disappeared which Howard said was him going to hide. 'Tucker cover for me." Danny whispered. Tucker nodded and Danny then ran off.

The ninja then appeared in a puff of smoke. Randy looked around for any sign that there was a robot, he notice principle Slimovitz's car was broken again which proved that there was something here. He just couldn't see it. Suddenly, Randy was shot at but luckily he managed to dodge it in time. He took out his sword and ran towards the now visible 'robot'. When tried to attack he fell through the 'robot' and then tried to attack again he just phased through him again. "I need to ask the nomicon what the hell is going on." With that he used a smokebomb to get away.


Danny ran around most of the rooms and closets but there were students everywhere. 'I need to find somewhere to go ghost. Think. Think. Think! The abandoned classroom!' With that Danny ran to classroom Randy showed him.


"Nomicon. What the juice was that?! I can't beat that thing! It keeps phasing through my attacks. Also! What about the invisibility?! How in the honking hell am I supposed to beat something I can't see!?" Randy yelled as he stood in the nomicon. The sky then changed from a yellowish white to a grey and a shadow appeared and the words "A seemingly unbeatable enemy is not what it seems with an ally." Written in white and the words ally and enemy highlighted neon green. Randy looked at the words, he was confused. "What?" With that, the rock Randy was standing on broke apart and he fell out of the Nomicon. Randy sighed and got back up. He had to fight that thing but how? The Nomicon didn't give him a straight answer however, he did gather he needed an ally but who was it? He couldn't go look for them right now so hopefully they'll show up.


Danny ran down the hallways of the school to get to the room and once he did no one was in there which meant he could go ghost. The typical pale blue ring formed around him as he went ghost.

He flew through the wall and went looking for the ninja as he would probably need his help. He spotted the ninja seemingly deep in thought while looking around a corner at Skulker who was currently yelling about how he would proudly display the "hero's" head which by hero he meant the ninja. "Well that's disturbing." Danny said under his breath.

Danny flew down onto the grass behind the ninja and tapped his shoulder. The ninja gasped in shock and turned around extremely fast. "Wait, are you Danny phantom?" He said sort of relieved. "The one and only." Danny said proudly while a fake hair flip motion. "So that must be Skulker. Right?" The ninja no longer seemed relieved and looked kinda annoyed that he had to deal with ghosts as well as his normal enemies. Danny nodded. "Ok so what do we do?" The ninja asked in response. 'Holy shit! He's asking for my help.' Danny quickly composed himself and thought of a plan. "So here's the plan..."

"Hey Skulker!" Danny yelled at Skulker from the roof of the school. "Ghost child?" He shrugged. "Well your head will look good next to that 'hero's'." He make air quotes He then aimed and fired at Danny who dodged pretty seamlessly. "So I'm a child but he's a hero, okay then." Danny just kept dodging and sometimes hitting back after all he just had to make an opening.

Randy stood behind a raised part of the roof and waited for a opening to throw an electro-ball as Danny theorized that the suit wasn't from the ghost realm as he couldn't get back if he left. Once the opportunity presented itself, Randy took it and threw the ball. Skulker was quite literally shocked out of his suit, which is when Danny use the fenton thermos to trap him. Randy then walked over to Danny. "That went suprisingly well." Randy said. "Yea, I guess you could say it was 'shocking'." Danny responded with a slight laugh. "Pfft you could say we were 'electric'." Randy said while laughing. Danny then started laughing too. After about a minute later, Randy looked at the crowd of students and turned to Danny again. "Seems we've attracted a crowd. Wanna smoke bomb outta here?" He said with a smoke bomb in his hand. "Oh hell yeah!" Danny said excitedly. "Alright. Smoke bomb!!" That both of them disappeared and went their separate ways.

Randy ran to the closet he had used earlier to put on the mask and took it off. He then went out as he put the mask in his pocket and walked to his class.


Danny flew back into the abandoned classroom and de-transformed. He then left and walked back to the classroom as other people walked passed him talking about his and the ninja' s fight with Skulker. Once he got back to class, he sat next to Randy who was turned around to talk to Howard and Tucker about the fight so Danny joined in the conversation. Soon after, the teacher came back and continued teaching the lesson. Though that didn't stop people from whispering as everyone was either excited or confused.

A.N: Holy shit I didn't think this would take this long. Anyway see ya in next one

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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