Fight (part 8)

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3rd person pov

The bus stopped in front of the school and Randy and Howard walked off the bus and over to the entrance of the school where they waited for the bus for Casper high to get to the school as it hadn't returned yet. Randy was starting to get worried as it had been quite while since the bus had left the pool and it should have only taken about 10 minutes to get back but the bus had been gone for over 20 minutes. Despite Howard trying to convince Randy that it was just traffic, Randy wasn't buying it. There was barely ever traffic in Norrisville, especially on school days. Randy tugged at the ends of his hair and decided that he'd text Danny and ask about what's happening.
~Texts (Randy's pov)~
Me:p - hey Danny is something wrong? u guys should be back by now

~5 minutes later~

Danny<3 - Yeah... robots r kinda holding our bus hostage until the ninja is captured

Me:p - wait really!! WTF? Omg thats really messed up

'I need to ninja out help them but I don't know where they are!'

Me:p - where r u? Like can u describe where u are.

Danny<3 - idk we're outside some movie theatre I think? Idk everything here looks very similar

Me:p - ok if the ninja shows up I'll tell him where u r :>

Danny<3 - ok :] but I gotta go I don't want the robot to know I'm talking to u

Me:p - ok I'll stop texting u now.

~end of texts (back to 3rd person)~

After Randy's conversation with Danny, he turned to Howard who was just playing some game on his phone. "I need you to cover for me Howard! I gotta ninja out. Dan-I mean the Casper high students are in trouble." Randy whisper yelled to Howard. Howard rolled his eyes but argeed to cover for Randy anyway. Randy then ran off to ninja out and help the students.


The bus was suddenly stopped and a few humanoid looking robots got on. "No body move!" One of the robots threatened as more of them walked on to the bus. Danny looked for an opportunity to go ghost but everyone was panicking and couldn't get out their seats as the robots would definitely stop them. Danny looked at Sam and Tucker with a worried expression. They both were also worried because if Danny went ghost now everyone in the bus would see. Suddenly his phone buzzed and he silently pulled it out and check who was texting him. It was Randy. He was checking on him as they had been gone for a while.

Danny honestly hoped that the ninja would come and help them since he couldn't.

After a short period of time, the ninja broke in through the roof of the bus and said a pretty cheesy pun before fighting the robots. He looked around and quickly decided that it'd best to get everyone out the bus. So he broke open the emergency window. "Everyone out! I'll handle this." Randy fought with the robots until he got punched in the gut and then scratched face.

After Randy got hit in face, which had tore his mask slightly and cut his face, he was pissed. Randy wiped the blood off his cheek and looked at the robots with most threatening look he ever made. Without even saying 'ninja tengu fireball' his suit turned red and fire erupted from his hands. Randy ran at the robots and threw a fire covered punched at them which pretty much melted them. Randy then sighed as his suit turned back to normal. "Smoke bomb!!" He lifted up a smoke bomb threw it to the ground then ran off back to the school while the smokebomb blinded everyone.

Randy then hid behind the school to take off his mask and run out back to Howard. "So did anyone ask anything?" Randy asked as Howard looked up from his to look at Randy. "Oh yeah, P Slims asked where you were when he noticed you weren't sitting on stairs with me but I handled it." Howard said as he noticed a cut on Randy's cheek. "You know you have a very noticeable cut on your face." Randy sighed and took a plaster out of his bag. "I know." He then placed it on the cut. Howard then went back to his game knowing Randy wasn't about out himself as the ninja to an entire school.


After the ninja left, a new bus was called and the Casper high students were on their way back to the school. Danny and Tucker were excitedly talking about the fight they had just watched as Sam put her on it opinion on it every so often. "Wait! The ninja got hit the face which means if the ninja is a student in Norrisville then we can find out!" Danny said to Tucker and Sam. "Oh yeah! We just need to look for the cut on his face." Tucker responded. "I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean what if they don't even go to the school and you just waste your time here." Sam chimed in and the boys both agreed that it probably just take too much time. They dropped the subject shortly after and Tucker started talking about girls and how he could totally wow one in Norrisville.

About 10 minutes later, the Casper high students were back at the school. Danny, Tucker and Sam were some of the last to get off the bus and go over to the people they were shadowing. "Hey Randy. Hi Howard." Howard paused his game and waved as Randy stood up while responding. "Hey Danny. Hey Tucker. So we should probably get to class since the teacher is guaranteed to already be annoyed about the shorten lesson." Randy dusted himself off and started walking up the stairs while Howard got up and started walking as well. They walked down the hallways to the class and walked in. Danny sat next to Randy in class. This end up in Randy accidentally dragging Danny's chair down with him while falling backward because he was rocking his chair. Danny landed on Randy and his face ended up extremely close to Randy's, close enough to where they were almost kissing. Blush spread across both of their faces and they both quickly got up and sat back in their chairs.

The rest of the class was gone through quietly and kinda awkwardly as Randy and Danny both just did their work while blushing. Randy was worrying but also was replaying that moment in his mind. Danny's face was so close he could feel his breath against his face. It was weirdly intimate and Randy really didn't know how to feel about it considering  that it was his stupid fault that it happened anyway. Danny on the hand was internal screaming. He had almost kissed Randy. Danny couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to just kiss him but he couldn't. He looked at Randy and saw a scared and guilty expression on his face. However, Danny really couldn't help but get flustered by the closeness and the situation in general. They both spent the entirety class stuck in their own heads over thinking the situation in their own ways, Randy was feeling guilty about accidentally putting Danny in that situation and Danny was trying and failing to get the mental image of him kissing Randy out of his head, which made him feel guilty as Randy obviously didn't mean to.

After a while, the class ended and everyone left to get lunch. The group obviously had to go get Sam first as she would probably still be in class as the teacher teaching her class tended to have short temper and often kept students after class to yell at them. They waited a few minutes and after all the kids in the class walked out the room. Sam was one of the last kids out the room. She walked over to the group and greeted them as they all started the walk to the lunch hall.

A.N: So I know nothing super interesting happens in this chapter but it was getting long so yeah. Also I'm so sorry this took so long the next one won't take as long.

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