Stress (part 5)

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AN: The art was made by a friend.

3rd person pov

The boys sat though the class doing basically nothing until the class ended and they all had go to the field where the soccer match was being held. It took a few minutes of waiting for it to even start and when it finally did, it was super boring, at least to Danny it was. Danny just decided to sleep through the game and ask what the result was later. Randy watched the game but wasn't super interested the outcome or the game in general.

About 15 minutes into game, Randy felt Danny's head on his shoulder and looked over at him, only to realise that Danny was asleep. Randy blushed a little but tried to focus on the game. 'It's fine. This is fine. He's just sleeping on my shoulder it's fine.' Right after Randy finished his thought, Danny grabbed on to his arm in his sleep and moved closer. Randy blushed even harder and looked over at Howard for advice on what to do. Howard just smirked and took a picture. Randy usually would have done something about it but didn't want to wake Danny up so he did nothing and just waited for the game to end. Even though a part him didn't want the game to end so he could stay like this with Danny for longer but knew he had to wake up Danny once the game was over.

Casper high won by 1 point which bash was pissed about cause one the students on the Casper high team had kicked one of the Norrisville student's ankles causing both boys to be benched. Bash didn't think it was fair of some reason. Randy rolled his eyes and decided to wake Danny up now. Randy lightly shook him with only caused Danny to snuggle into Randy's arm. Randy blushed even more some how. He shook Danny again but little harder this time causing Danny to slowly wake up. He then looked up and saw Randy looking back at him. He blushed and backed up a little. "I-urhm I-I'm sorry about that." Danny stuttered out. "Oh. Urhm it's fine Danny. You don't need to apologise. You were asleep. It's not your fault." Randy smiled nervously. The bell then rang for last period and the boys all went to their class, saying bye to Sam as they did because she was in a different class.

While in the class, Randy was pulled out by the coach of the athletics team. "Listen. You have to participate in the swimming tomorrow." Randy looked at his PE teacher and coach with a confused and angry expression. "Wait. What?! What do mean?! I'm not on the swim team!" A sigh came from his teacher. "I know that but you're a sub for the swim team so you're going to be competing tomorrow. One of the students on the main swim team got injured during soccer so you have to participate. It's not a choice now. You signed up for this." Randy tried to think of something else to say but couldn't think of anything that would have changed anything. Randy sighed. "Is that all? Can I go back to class now?" The teacher nodded and Randy walked back in it the class room. Danny immediately noticed something was wrong when Randy sat down and looked down at his book with an unreadable expression. "Are you alright Randy?" Danny put his hand on Randy's shoulder. Randy sighed and looked over at Danny. He put on a weak smile. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking though Danny." Danny wasn't completely convinced but dropped it. Danny took his hand off Randy shoulder. The rest of the class was gone through in complete silence from the boys, all of them noticing that there was something wrong with Randy. He would usually crack jokes and be sarcastic during lessons but he just sat there and looked down at the table.

After school, Danny and Tucker went to meet up with Sam in the library. She had convinced them that they needed to do some extra studying for next week. "So what do you think was wrong with Randy?" Tucker asked as they walked. He was kinda worried something bad had happened. "I don't know but whatever it is, it's worrying. Randy seemed kinda angry but also worried about something. I don't know." Danny responded, he was really worried but didn't know what to do to help Randy. They decided to drop the topic for now and walked the rest of the way to the library. Once they got to the library, they met up Sam and set up a small study area in the corner of the library. Danny couldn't really focus on studying so after about an hour, Danny decided to go back to the hotel. So after saying goodbye to Sam and Tucker, he left the library and started heading towards the exit of the school. However as Danny passed the cafeteria, He saw Howard sitting in there playing on Randy's phone. Danny walked over to Howard who paused his game and looked up at Danny. "Hey Danny. What are you still doing here?" Howard asked a little confused. "I could ask you the same thing but to answer your question, studying. How about you?" Danny responded. Howard paused as if he was contemplating his answer. "Well... I'm waiting for Randy. He's in the music room. I don't really know why but he goes there every time he gets too stressed or emotional about something." Howard responded, looking concerned. Danny turned to go out the door. "I'm going to check on him." Before Howard could respond Danny had already left to check on his crush.

Danny walked down the hallway to the music room. A calm melody drifted through the hallway and got louder the closer Danny got to the music room. Danny opened the door and his suprise Randy was the one who had been playing the beautiful melody on the piano. "Hi." Randy stopped playing and turned around to see Danny standing in the door way with a soft smile on his face. Randy blushed a little in embarrassment. "Urhm Hi. What's up Danny?" Danny walked into the room. "Nothing much. I was about go to back to my hotel room but saw Howard and he told you were in here so I decided to check if you were alright. Then I heard some really beautiful piano playing and found someone even more beautiful playing it." Danny explained while walking towards Randy. Randy blushed even more and couldn't really respond for a few seconds. "W-well I urm- thank you." Randy stumbled out his words, it seemed like Randy was feeling a lot better. "So why don't you play me something?" Danny asked. Randy blushed a little more and moved to make room on the piano chair for Danny. Danny sat down and watched as Randy started playing a different song. This went on for a bit, with Randy play a bunch of different songs from memory before Randy finished the last song he wanted to play and looked at Danny. Danny was smiling and looked at Randy. Randy smiled back and got up helping Danny up as well. They didn't let go of each other's hand but mention it at all. "Let's go get Howard, then I'll walk you back to your hotel." Randy said as they walked back to the cafeteria where Howard had been waiting. Once they walked in Howard got up and walked over to them. He gave back Randy's phone and they all walked out the exit of the school. Howard said goodbye to the other 2 boys and started his walk home. Randy took Danny to his hotel and Danny thanked him. Danny and Randy hugged before Danny went into the hotel and Randy started on his walk home.

The house was empty like usual. Randy locked the front door and went up to his bedroom. He grabbed some pajamas and walked to the bathroom. Randy took off the plasters he had used to cover his scars from his fights as ninja. He did heal quickly but that didn't stop scars from showing up. Randy went in shower after taking the rest of his outfit off. About half an hour later he got out, dried himself off and put on his pajamas. He looked at the cracked mirror on the bathroom wall. His fingers traced the scar on the side of his face. The cut had been painful enough but now live with a mental reminder of it until he forgot everything he did as the ninja. Randy hated looking at his scars and now everyone was going to see them. All because of some stupid competition. Randy took a deep breath and walked to his bedroom where he put his phone on charge and went to bed.

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