The first race (part 3)

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3rd person pov

Randy walked over over to the track and got put in a lane. He scanned the bleachers and saw Howard playing on his phone while waiting for the race to start, the blonde haired guy from Casper high giving Bash a death stare, which to be fair Bash was doing the same thing, and Danny who was talking with two other people who he assumed were Danny's friends. The last person finally got there and the race could begin. Everyone's attention was suddenly on the race with some people recording and some just watching. "On your marks! Get set! GO!!" An airhorn sounded as a cue for everyone to start running. Randy took off sprinting down the track but noticed he had gained a unbelievable lead so he slowed down bit. However it was still enough to keep up a sizable lead and Randy knew no one would be able catch up as most people who did sprinting were fast but didn't have much in the way of stamina. So lot of people had to slow down. Randy only sped up though as he'd prefer to not get beat up by bash or any of the other numerous people who would be pissed if he lost. Randy did feel bad though as he was cheating cause his ninja powers didn't fully go away when he took off the suit, one of the traits that were uneffected by the suit being off was speed and agility. Randy finished the race in first and got the first medal of the competition. Randy didn't feel like deserve it though.

'You're just lucky. You don't deserve that medal. You don't deserve to be where you are. You don't deserve to be the ninja at all. After all you only use it to help yourself.' Randy didn't know what to do, he agreed with himself, he truly didn't deserve everything he had but it's not like he would back out now and it's not like this the first time he's had to deal with thoughts like this as Randy. Randy was a mess but covered it under a layer of the crashing responsibility that he had assigned.

Randy then got his picture taken for a wall where they had all the pictures of the 'gold' medal winners from these competitions. Randy smiled and tried to look proud of his achievement despite the shame and guilt he actually felt. Luckily, Randy was a good actor.


"Hey Tucker," Tucker looked up from his phone and at Danny. "Uhm. What?" Sam looked over at Danny and Tucker. "Do you know what sport is going on? I didn't really pay attention to the competition." Sam sighed and so did Tucker. "Did you seriously not pay attention on the bus when Dash talked about the athletic events for like an hour?" Sam asked. "No." Danny shrugged. "I kinda just tune out everything Dash says." Sam face palmed and Tucker sighed again. "Alright. Danny, there's 2 events every school day so today is the quarter track sprint and soccer. Tomorrow is swimming and the half track sprint. Wednesday is the full the track run and football. Thursday is the first the gymnastics event, nothing else is being held on that day though. Friday is the last gymnastics event and the last track event." Tucker explained. "I'm assuming you know when the academic events will happen next week." Danny nodded. "Yea I know when my events are happening. I just didn't really focus on the athletic events as much." Danny responded. Sam then nudged Danny which cause turn to look at her. "Look the guy you like is down there." Sam pointed at the purple haired boy who was kinda just standing around waiting for the competition to start. Danny immediately noticed it was Randy and couldn't take his eyes off of him. 'Oh. My. God. He looks cute.' Randy's uniform was that little bit too big for him and it made him look extremely cute in Danny's eyes. Randy had plasters littered all over his arms and legs which cause Danny to get a little worried about Randy. However a really loud airhorn interrupted Danny thinking. Randy immediately took the lead which suprised Danny as Randy didn't look that athletic. He didn't look like he should have been that fast. Danny noticed Randy slow down a bit but still was fast enough to be in the lead by quite a lot. Once the race was over and Randy won, Randy didn't look that happy about it, which raised even more questions.

Randy and Danny eventually met up again with their friends trailing behind them. "Hi Danny." Randy said as he walked over with Howard reluctantly following along. "Hey Randy. Well done in the race by the way." Randy looked a little uncomfortable with Danny's praise but thanked him anyway. "So, are you done with events for today?" Danny asked. "Oh. Yeah. I'm terrible at soccer so I didn't sign up for that." Randy and Danny continued talking about the events for while, in that time Howard introduced himself into Sam and Tucker and talked for a bit before the bell rang and put an abrupt end to both conversations. Randy had to change before going to his class. Howard took Tucker, who was his partner, to class but Danny had to follow Randy. Randy started his walk to the changing room with Danny walking close behind. Randy grabbed his stuff out of his locker and walked into one of the stalls. "I'll be out in a minute." Randy said before closing and locking the door. Danny just sat there looking at floor, unfortunately when you have nothing to do your mind tends to wander. Danny blushed as his mind created images of Randy that he did and didn't want to see. He tried to think of something else but his mind was glued to the topic of Danny's crush. He knew that had only just met Randy yesterday but who could deny that Randy attractive? Danny knew his bisexual brain couldn't. Danny's thoughts were then stopped by Randy opening the stall door. "Come on we're already late. Unless you wanna skip?" Randy while looking down at Danny. "Ummm. I-urhm I don't think that's a good idea cause our friends are in that class right? They're probably waiting for us." Randy nodded and Danny got up off the bench. They walked to class together. Randy explained why they were late to the teacher which she accepted and just told them to sit down and with that the class properly started.

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