Track (part 9)

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3rd person pov

Once the group had all got their food sat down, Sam noticed Randy and Danny acting weirdly. "What's up them two?" She whispered to Tucker. "Oh Randy and Danny fell off their chairs and Danny landed on top Randy. They were a centimetre away from kissing." Tucker answered while also whispering. Sam looked over at the two boys who were both just looking down and eating their, which was weird because Randy would usually be having an excited conversation and Danny would usually be having a less excited conversation with one of them as well.

Sam, Tucker and Howard decided to get the two boys in a conversation. They decided on the robot attack which got Danny's attention and he joined in on the conversation. The conversation started to wonder on who the ninja was which got Randy's attention and he also joined the conversation. They ended up talking about the ninja and Danny Phantom which Randy made joke about how Danny had the same name as the phantom and if he was the Phantom that would pretty unoriginal. Tucker laughed a little at that but quickly stopped when he saw Danny glare at him.

The conversation was suddenly cut off but the loud speakers in the lunch hall. "Randall Cunningham to the principal's office please." Randy looked worried but got up out his chair and grabbed his backpack. "I'll be back in a minute." Randy then left the hall, leaving behind some on very confused friends.


Randy took on step into the office and immediately a chill ran down his spine. He shivered. It was freezing. 'Why is it so cold?' "Urhm principal Slimovitz, you called me." Slimovitz then turned around to look at Randy. "Ah yes. Well, it's about the swimming event and what we all saw." Randy's eyes widened. He had dreaded having a conversation like this. "Look it's not what-" Randy tried to explain but cut off. "Listen Randy, at the end of day it doesn't matter how you got them. I still need make sure that emotionally everything's okay. That's why you're going to be counselled by the school's new counsellor." Slimovitz then gestured to a lady in the corner of the room, which is when Randy looked over and saw a fairly attractive lady with ginger hair and a pink suit on sitting there. "Hello. You're Randall, correct?" She had gotten out of her chair and walked over to Randy. "Yea, that's me. Though most people just call me Randy." Randy didn't know what it was about her but she just seemed off. "Your first session is after the next event." She said before she left the room. Randy then left and started his walk back to the lunch hall.


"Why do you think Randy was called to the principle's office?" Tucker asked. Howard shrugged. "Probably to do with next event." Sam didn't seem convinced at all. "Maybe it's to do with the scars he has. I mean it could be a safeguarding issue." Howard then realised how bad that could be for Randy as the scars tended to have a lot of emotional weight. "Well I hope it isn't considering how he hates them." Danny then started looking even more worried. He kinda figured Randy didn't like his scars but hoped that he was okay with them being mentioned.


The bell went off before Randy could get the lunch hall and his next class was being taken up by the next track competition so he went to his locker and then the changing rooms.

Once he was there when into a stall and started to change out of his normal outfit but it took him a little longer than usual as all his scars felt more and more present. They were like neon signs lighting up his skin and grabbing everyone's attention. 'I just want everyone to leave me to alone.' Randy then heard the door open and someone walk in.


As bell rang, worry was still consuming Danny so he decided to quickly go check on Randy. He was down hallway as he had already told Sam, Tucker and Howard where he was going and why. Danny didn't know why but he took a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the changing room. He looked around for a moment, noticing that there was only one of the many doors closed. "Randy?" Danny finally plucked up the courage to say into the mostly empty room. "Danny?" Randy responded. He sounded sad and small. He was obviously effected by the conversation he had with principle Slimovitz. Danny sat down on floor in front of the door. "Are you okay?" Randy took while to respond. "Yeah. I am, I just-I don't like my scars." Randy said as he continued to change. "Well that's understandable. I get not wanting people to see or talk about your scars." Danny responded. He unknowingly knew exactly how Randy felt and just wanted to comfort Randy. He wanted to help even if it was only a little. Randy did feel a little better knowing Danny knew why he was sad. Randy finished changing and shoved his clothes into his backpack and opened the door. "You shouldn't sit on the floor." Randy said as he helped Danny up. "Good point." Danny and Randy then walked out of the changing rooms together. They both had this silent understanding. They had built a pretty strong friendship in only a few days, although they both liked each other a lot more then just being friends. Neither of them wanted to ruin what had though. The boys walked down the hallway to get to the track but they both hadn't realised that someone was watching them.


Randy suprisingly wasn't the last one to the track. He waved to Danny as he waited which Dash saw and didn't like as Randy was the competition. "Hey! You better not be trying to be friends with someone from my school." Dash yelled at Randy. Randy knew immediately that this was the stupid jock kid at Danny's school and that he was trying to intimate Randy which would never work. "And what are you gonna do if I am?" Randy asked with a smirk. He was so done with dumb jocks as he had been dealing with Bash for weeks now. It not like Dash could actually do anything. Dash just continued yelling until the race started which Randy just waited out as people no longer really intimated him.

Once the race started, everyone took their places and when coach Green yelled go and the airhorn sounded, everyone ran. Randy decided to be a bit of an asshole and just run as fast as he could which was far faster than anyone else in the race. He specifically wanted to beat Dash by a considerably large margin.


Danny sat down in the bleachers with Sam, Howard and Tucker and noticed Randy wave at him. He smiled and waved back. Sam and Tucker then looked at Danny and then each other with knowing expressions. "You know you should just ask him out." Howard said not looking up from his game. Danny just blushed and tried to explain why he couldn't. "It's really obvious that you two like each other so I argee with Howard on this." Sam responded. Tucker nodded in agreement. "Yea. I mean at point you should just ask." Danny looked at Randy who was currently being yelled at by Dash (which pissed off Danny a bit but he wasn't going to do anything as Randy had it under control) and then back at his friends. "Ok I'll ask when I'm alone with him next cause I don't want to be rejected in front of other people." Danny finally relented and decided he would actually ask despite his nerves.

When the airhorn sounded everyone started paying attention to the race and Danny was immediately suprised by the lead Randy got. 'I knew Randy was fast but damn. He's faster than I thought.' Danny was genuinely shocked and also realised that Randy wasn't actually trying in the last race. Randy obviously won and this time he didn't seem upset if anything this was the outcome he wanted. Randy smirked at Dash who won second and Randy said something that Danny couldn't hear and then walked away from the now shocked and sort of angry Dash. Randy walked over to Danny, Sam, Howard and Tucker. "Hey guys." He smiled. Sam looked at him with sort of sly expression. "You ran that fast to get back at Dash didn't you?" Sam said, although she already knew the answer. "I mean if you wanna talk shit, you should least live up to your name and run fast." Tucker and Danny both tried to hold back laughter after that comment. Sam smiled. "Well I can't argue with that. Just try to not pick fights with him." Sam said. Randy shrugged and argeed to at least try. Sam then went to find the girl she was shadowing and Randy went to the changing rooms while Howard took Tucker and Danny to their next class.

A.N: Hey I'm back. Sorry for the long wait but yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see in the next one.

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