Sleepover (part 6)

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AN: The angsty bit at the end of the last chapter was based off this picture.

3rd person pov

Randy woke up to his phone ringing. He looked over at his bedroom window, 'It's still dark outside. What the juice? Who's calling me at-' Randy looked at his alarm clock. '4AM! What the actual hell?! This better be important.' Randy got out of bed and walked over to his phone. He picked it up and was immediately shocked by the voice that came over the phone. "So urhm I'm a little lost." Danny. Danny had called Randy at 4am for help with directions. As much as Randy wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to just say no and tell Danny to use McFist maps as he knew the boy would just get even more lost. Randy sighed. "Alright. Send me your location and I'll come get you." A few seconds later Randy received Danny's location and grabbed his mask and transformed into the ninja so he could get there quicker.


Danny couldn't believe he had accidentally broken one of fenton thermoses he had brought with him. The worse part though was that there was a few ghosts in there including Ember and Spectra which would cause some big problems if they weren't captured again (Danny brought two thermoses just in case).

Danny de-transformed. Unfortunately, he had gotten lost pretty quickly and couldn't find the ghosts. He couldn't call Sam or Tucker as they were asleep and would be just as clueless as he was about where he was but then he remembered that he had Randy's phone number. Surely, he would know where Danny was. And yeah, Randy might be have been asleep but Danny was exhausted from flying around for hours and just called anyway. After about 5 rings, Randy picked up. "So urhm I'm a little lost." Randy was silent for a minute. He sighed and responded. His voice was raspy and deeper than usual. He sounded tired but also kinda hot in Danny's opinion.

About 10 minutes later, Randy finally arrived and walked over to Danny. He was still wearing his pajamas and didn't have any plasters on his face, which caused Danny to notice that Randy had two large scars on his face. One was a cross his nose and the other was like something scratched the side of his chin and neck. Neither seemed that old but they didn't seem fresh either. Danny then spotted a part of a scar that looked like something had dug it's nails into Randy's shoulder then pulled down, it looked significantly worse then the other two from small amount of it be could see. It worried Danny and he was about to say something about it but Randy beat him to it. "So your hotel is kinda far from here. Do you mind if we just go back to my place? You can sleep in my bed." Randy asked, obviously too tired to walk all the way to Danny's hotel. Danny blushed a little. "O-okay sure." Randy smiled a bit and gestured Danny to follow him. "Cool. Let's go. "Randy and Danny started their 15 minute walk to Randy's house.


Randy gave Danny an old t-shirt of his and some shorts to wear for the night. They both a little too big for Danny but he put them on anyway and when he came back in to the room Randy was laying on a bean bag in the middle of the room. Danny laid down in Randy's bed and Randy was already passed out on the bean bag. Randy's bed was pretty comfortable but Danny was still too worried to sleep. Questions raced though his brain, 'what am I going to about Ember and Spectra? How am I going to find them if I don't know where anything is? Randy. Is he okay? Why does he have so many scars? Why does he sound like the ninja? He's not the ninja, right? I don't think he is. At least it doesn't seem like something he'd do.' Until eventually, Danny passed out.

Danny woke up to the smell of waffles being made. Randy wasn't in the room anymore so Danny decided to go look for him down stairs. He assumed that Randy's parents were making them but when he got to the kitchen, Randy was the one making the waffles and no one else seemed to be home. Randy spotted Danny in the door way. "Good morning sleeping beauty. Do you want some breakfast?" Danny blushed a little, half because of embarrassment and the other because Randy had basically called him pretty. "You think I'm beautiful?" Danny walked into the kitchen and sat the table. Randy blushed a little as well. "I- that's not what I meant!" Randy took a deep breath and composed himself. "Yes or no Danny. Answer my question." Danny laughed a little. "Sure I'll have some." A few minutes later Randy walked over to Danny and gave him the waffles. Randy then grabbed a fork, whipped cream, some grated chocolate and syrup. He placed them on the table and went to make his own waffles. "Put what ever you want on the waffles. I need to go shopping today anyway." Danny put put whipped cream and chocolate on his waffles. "Why do you to go shopping? Don't your parents do it?" Randy was silent for a minute and Danny feared he had struck a nerve. "My mum doesn't really stay at the house that often. She doesn't really like the fact that she has a child but I don't really care. I get the house to myself and my mum sends me money every month and pays the bills. All I have to do stay here and not annoy her." Randy shrugged. Danny felt bad he had brought up the topic but then again Randy didn't seem to care. Randy then walked over with his plate of waffles and sat down. Randy put a bit of everything on his waffles and started eating. "These are some really good waffles." Danny said while picking up another piece of waffle with his fork. Randy smiled. "Really? Thanks, I try." Danny smiled back. "Well good job." Randy continued eating, obviously embarrassed by the praise. "Thank you. Howard doesn't like cooking so I cook for the both of us most of the time since he comes over quite often." Danny and Randy then talked about cooking for a few minutes when Danny noticed there was a plate of waffles still on the counter. "Why did you make another plate of waffles?" Randy looked at a clock on the wall and then looked back at Danny. "3. 2. 1." At one the front door to Randy's house open loudly and someone could be heard walking toward the kitchen. Howard appeared in the door way and seemed suprised that Danny was there. He looked at Randy who just pointed behind him at the counter. Howard smiled and grabbed the waffles and put a bit of everything on them as well. "Hey Howard." Danny gave Howard a little wave and Howard waved back. "Hi Danny. What are you doing here?" Howard sat on counter which Randy wasn't super happy about. "Oh I got lost yesterday and woke up Randy to help me find my way back but I closer to here and Randy and I were tired. So we just came back here instead." Danny explained. "You mean you got lost this morning. It was 4am so not yesterday." Randy added, not looking up from his food. "Have you texted Sam and Tucker yet? I'm sure they'll worry if you're just not in the hotel." Howard pointed out. "Oh shit. Yeah I should text them." Danny said while getting up and putting his now empty plate in the sink. "Thanks for the food Randy." Danny said as he walked out the kitchen and to Randy's bedroom where he had left his phone.

Danny had 6 missed calls 4 from Sam and 2 from Tucker. He decided to call Tucker as Sam was probably with him anyway. "Danny! Where are you?! I woke up and there a broken Fenton thermos on your bed but sign of you!" Tucker had picked up immediately and yelled down the phone. "Yeah. About that, I kinda lost a bunch of ghosts in Norrisville-" Danny was cut off by both Tucker and Sam yelling. "What!" Sam continued. "How on earth did you lose a bunch of ghosts?!" Danny sighed. "I broke the thermos." Danny mumbled. "But listen, I tried to find them but I just ended up flying around for hours. I got pretty lost and called Randy for help. When he got to me, he explained that I was kinda far from the hotel and asked if I wanted to stay at his house. I argeed and stayed the night cause I was tired." Danny tried to explain himself. "To be honest, I think you have another reason for agreeing to stay the night." Sam said. She did believe that Danny was tired but knew that he had another reason as well. Tucker also didn't fully believe Danny. Danny blushed and tried desperately to explain himself without admitting that he wanted more than just a bed to sleep in. Tucker and Sam both knew him too well to believe his rambling.

After about 10 minutes of back and fourth between them, Sam and Tucker just dropped it and told Danny to just get ready for school. Randy came into the room shortly after Danny hung up and started getting dressed. Randy blushed at the sight of his crush shirtless. "Oh shit! Sorry!" Randy quickly walked out the room and closed the door. 'Oh god. Oh no. I should have knocked. He's gonna hate me. I do admit he did look hot though. No! Not now Randy! You need to focus on waiting for Danny to finish in there so you can all head to school.' The image of Danny lingered in Randy's brain despite Randy's best efforts to stop thinking about it.

Randy stood outside the room until Danny came out and then he went in to change. Randy changed into his normal outfit but with his Norrisville hoodie instead of his regular teal hoodie. He grabbed his towel and swimming trunks and put them in his backpack. Randy put his backpack on and went downstairs to meet up with Howard and Danny who both ready to leave for school. The boys then left the house and started their walk to school.

AN: This is the longest chapter so far and the swimming event will be next chapter since this is already pretty long.

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