Ditching (part 4)

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3rd person pov

The class was quite boring but Danny made quite a few sarcastic remarks which made the other boys laugh. Randy got called out for laughing a few times but he would respond with a sarcastic remark of his own about how boring the class was. By the end of the class, the teacher had had enough of the four boys and couldn't wait to dismiss the class.

Tucker and Howard split off from the group to go to the one class Howard didn't Randy (He had been moved due to his grades). "Hey, do you wanna skip next class?" Randy asked while they walked down the hallway. 'I mean what's the worst could happen? We get detention? It's not even my class. Also detention with Randy doesn't seem like bad thing.' Danny thought. "Sure. I'll ditch class with you." Danny shrugged. He didn't really skip classes randomly back at home cause his parents would get mad him and he didn't want to deal with that. However, he had skipped classes to go ghost a few times though.

Before Danny knew it, they were in the old classroom. Randy sat on the table and Danny sat in one of the chairs next to Randy. "So what's your school like?" Randy asked. Danny shrugged. "I don't know. It's kinda gloomy but then again the whole of Amity Park is kinda gloomy. It's not as big as this school, that's for damn sure. It's a pretty alright school though. I mean I like going there as much as any tired student can enjoy going to school. Overall, Casper high's alright but it has a lot of ghosts. Just like the whole of Amity Park I guess." Danny paused and looked up at Randy who seemed to be enjoying listening to Danny ramble about his school. "This school's pretty nice." Danny added which caused Randy to laugh a little. "It's like this cause McFist used to go here so he funds the school-" Randy said something under his breath that Danny couldn't make out but he could tell to wasn't good. "You mean Hannibal McFist?" Randy nodded in response. "Damn. No wonder your school gets rebuilt so quickly and has the resources to hold this competition in the first place." Danny said quite suprised that someone so rich would even still care about his high school. "Yeah... He gave us all this speech about how important the competition was a week before the competition even started." Randy tried to sound calm but even talking about that man annoyed him as Randy wouldn't have so many scars if it wasn't for his stupid robots.

Randy and Danny talked for a bit longer before they heard footsteps approaching the classroom. "Quick. Hide!" Randy whisper yelled as quietly ran over to the closet. Danny ran over but really didn't want to hide in the closet. However, he didn't have much of a choice so he got in with Randy getting in afterwards and closing the closet door. Randy had bent over and hold on to the wall behind Danny to fit in the closet while Danny just had to crouch a bit. Danny blushed when looked up and saw how close Randy's face was to his. The door to the class room then opened and someone stepped inside. They walked around for a few minutes before they left the room.

Once Randy was sure no one was in there, he tried to get out the closet but slipped and stopped himself a few centimetres away from Danny face. Blush spread across Randy's face and he stuttered out an apology before properly getting out of the closet and helping Danny out as well. They both were blushing and too flustered to say anything when a large bang snapped them out of it. They both ran out the classroom and to a hallway window to see what was had happening. A giant robot that looked like a spider was attacking the school. Danny rushed Randy to a supply closet and said to hide while he found Tucker and made sure he was okay. Randy accepted this and Danny ran off. Randy quickly took his mask out of his pocket and put it on. His suit forming around him before he ran out the school to face the robot. "Hey! Lookin' for me!?" Randy yelled at the robot which quickly got his attention.


Danny ran outside and saw Tucker, Sam and Howard all looking at the robot. Danny ran up to them. "Hey! What's going on?" Danny asked to the trio in front of him. "Oh there's a robot attacking the school and looking for the ninja." Howard responded seeming a lot calmer then everyone else. "And 3. 2. 1." as soon as Howard said 1 the ninja ran out the school. "Hey! Lookin' for me!?" He yelled. The voice sounded oddly familiar. Danny nudged Tucker "Do think he could use some help?" Danny whispered. Tucker shook his head. "It's not a ghost Danny. I'm sure he'll be fine." Tucker whispered back. Danny watched as the ninja ran at the robot but at the last second slid underneath it and used his sword to cut off it's left legs causing it to fall, then the ninja cut it's head in half, effectively killing off the robot for good.

Luckily, nothing was broken, well expect from a nice looking car that had been completely smashed by the robot. "Smoke bomb!" Then the ninja was just gone and Danny ran back into school to get Randy. Randy ran back to the supply closet Danny had hid him in and took his mask off then sat down, shoving his mask into his pocket in the process. A few seconds later, Danny got there and apologised for leaving. "It's fine Danny. Is the robot gone now?" Randy asked. "Oh yea. The ninja got rid of that problem pretty quickly." Danny smiled, happy that Randy wasn't mad at him for running off. "Oh good. The school really doesn't need robots or monsters smashing it right now" Randy got up and dusted himself off. The bell for lunch then rang. "Well, Let's go get lunch." Randy said as he walked out into the hall where Danny was waiting.

They went and met up with Sam, Tucker and Howard outside the lunch hall. "Hi." Randy said waving a little. They all walked in and got some food. Sam was kinda suprised that there was actually food she would eat. They sat down on one of the empty tables and started have their own little conversations. Danny, Howard and Tucker were talking about the food while eating. Randy and Sam were talking about what was the best hair dye was and if  they would ever get a tattoo when they were old enough. Randy and Sam seemed to get along with each other surprisingly well. Tucker and Howard also got along with really well. Danny guessed it was their love of food that made them get along. Randy and Sam were now just excitedly talking about goth culture which no one else in the group knew that much about. Eventually everyone finished their lunch and Sam went to find the person she had been shadowing. Shortly after the bell rang and Danny and Tucker followed Randy and Howard the next class.

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