Swimming (part 7)

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AN: This chapter has blood in it and also a headcanon of mine is that Randy pulls at his hair when he gets too angry or too stressed.

3rd person pov

Randy, Howard and Danny arrived at the school where Danny then split off from them to find Sam and Tucker. Danny found them and they walked around the school for a bit, talking about what to do about the escaped ghosts before the bell for first class rang and they rushed to find the people they were shadowing. Danny and Tucker found Howard but Randy was apparently talking to the coach about something that Howard wouldn't specify. "It's best if we all just go to class. Randy and I are in the same class anyway." Howard gestured for them to follow him and Danny hesitantly followed, worried that Randy was in trouble or something.


"But sir!" Randy had been begging to be taken off the swimming event but his teacher wasn't going to let Randy have what he wanted. "Listen to me Randy. I am not going to take you off of the event without a good reason. But all I've heard is excuses so you will compete and you will do your best. End of discussion. Now go to class." Randy huffed and stormed out the room. ' This is so stupid! Why can't someone else do it?! Why does it have to be me?!' Randy pulled at the bottom bits of his hair in frustration causing a few bits to pulled out then glanced down at a vent that reminded him, 'Oh shit. I need to calm down or I'm gonna get stanked.' Randy took a deep breath and finished his walk to class.

Randy walked into the classroom and explained that he was talking to coach Green about the swimming event. He took his seat next to Danny who was obviously worried and asked what happened. Randy explained that it was just a disagreement on something that heavy effected him and not the teacher. Randy was still angry that he had to participate in first place but had accepted that there was nothing he could do about it now. The class went on as normal with the boys occasionally making jokes or being sarcastic. Once the class was over with, it was time for the swimming event.

Randy walked to the changing room with Howard following behind him. "I think you're over reacting." Howard looked at Randy who had been stressing out pretty bad, he had dug his nails into his hands so hard they were bleeding. "Over reacting!! I think you're under reacting! This is serious and all your thinking about is how popular we'll get! You don't even seem to care about how I feel!" Randy yelled angrily as he walked into the changing room. Howard sighed and looked apologetic. "Okay, I'm sorry. I understand that this is a lot for you and it's stressing you out. I just didn't want to stress you out even more." Randy sighed and opened one of the stalls then looked back at Howard. "Apology accepted Howard. I appreciate you trying not to stress me out. It just seemed like you were only focusing on the end goal of all this." Randy then went in the stall and changed into his swimming trunks. Then he put his normal outfit over it as they still needed to drive the two schools to the swimming pool built by McFist specifically for this competition. Randy then walked out the stall and out of the changing room with Howard following.

As Randy and Howard got outside the school, Danny, Sam and Tucker had already boarded their school's bus so Randy and Howard then walked onto the bus for their school and waited for everyone else to get there. Randy need to do something to get his mind off the swimming event so he just played a game on his phone. The game didn't help though and Randy continued stressing about the event. He wasn't even bad at swimming, he just knew everyone would ask him questions about his scars that would be on full display during the event since he wasn't allowed to wear plasters in the pool and Randy was pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to cover most his scars even if plasters were allowed. Randy was screwed and there was nothing he could do about it. Randy was quite literally pulling his hair out due to stress until Howard stopped him. Eventually, everyone was on the bus and it started making it's way to the pool.

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