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The most important rule at the whole Kingdom of Laveau was not to be out during Blood Moon nights, when the forests and roads became foggy and the full moon got that red shade that swallowed it's light. The nights were the Beast lured, preying on those fool or suicidal enough to be out.

Yet there were they. Because been eaten by the monster was way better.

A blonde boy and a long red haired girl, barefoot and barely covered in silk nightgowns that didn't do much against the crippling cold around them, running through the dark woods, hands strongly intertwined, as if their lives depended on it. Because it did.

Far away, but not enough, the loud and horrid cry of a horn averted their break from the Marquis' Mansion.

-Shit-said the boy, suddenly stopping and changing the path they were going.

-Angel, wait! What are you doing?

-We have to stay away from the road... if they still ringed the alarms, they'll search for us.

-But you said...

-I know-the boy hugged the girl, both to calm her and apologize for his own mistake -I'm sorry Cherry. I promise you they won't get us.

The Marquis' guards would be near in a few minutes, so they should be quick. Angel and Cherry held hands once again and raced through the trees, watching around to avoid any suspicious light. Luckily both were so thin their feet made almost no sound in the dark. It was turning difficult to see with the silver fog around, but none of them would stop until they reached the bayou at the limit of the Marquis' lands, and then they could be free.

Then they heard it, and it felt like time froze.

The growling of the Beast.

Some described it as something among a howling and a roaring. Some said it was the collective cry of its victims' souls, devoured through decades in a painful and horrendous death, either way it clawed under the skin of those who heard it.

And it was too close to the fugitives.

-We need to hide...-said Cherry, her voice trembling in fear. Not even her was brave –or fool- enough to face the monster. But Angel didn't stop –Angie, please...

-We've got too far now-he said with no hesitation-it'll probably follow the sound of the guards...

-But what if it doesn't?

Before the blonde could answer, a horn sounded near, and a dark figure on horseback came closer to them, swinging a whip menacingly.

-I GOT THEM!!!-roared the figure, and the pair bolted in panic. Their hearts raced, their minds set only in keep the other one safe and get the hell out of those damn lands. Suddenly, Angel felt with fear Cherry's hand slipping away, and her screams piercing the night.


And there he was. Running alone in the dark, tears of fear and desperation falling from his eyes as his only friend in the world was captured and taken back to the Mansion. Maybe if he got to the river he could find help to rescue Cherry, maybe there was a town or a place to hide until he could go back and retrieve her, maybe...

Maybe he should have pay attention to the road, but instead Angel felt down to a deep swamp, and in his own desperation to get out he started to drown, the cold and muddy water getting into his mouth and lungs as his feet got trapped by underwater plants.

Before he lost consciousness, Angel heard once again the muffled sound of the Monster, and what looked like two big red eyes looked at him through the waters...


And here we go again!
I appreciate your patience and hope you like the new chapters, it took me more than I expected but it's finally here. Next chapter will be longer and arrives tomorrow morning! 

As a note aside and fun fact, a Blood Moon is another name for a Lunar Eclipse, commonly asociated with dark magic and evil spirits in most cultures and religions. 

The ConcubineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora