11: My Prince

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Happy Holidays! I hope you had a cozy Christmass (or Yule if you're my kind) and let's receive the New Year with hope and love. And a new chapter.
Btw, have you seen the sneakpeeks Vivzie posted? I can't wait to see the premiere, and you? 

TW: Imaginary violence, depictions of war.


-Why such a name for your little fellow, cher?

-Oh come on, Al! He's literally a little fat nugget!

-And what's his story?

Finally, Alastor managed to have a moment of real solitude with Angel at the garden, with no guards or servants around. Niffty prepared them the garments for a picnic, and now both prince and concubine were sitting under a magnolia tree, one with a book and the other one knitting a tiny flower crown for Fat Nuggets, over his lap.

-I'm not sure anymore -Angel confessed, fitting the crown on the little felted pig's head. -I thought it was a gift from Cherry, but since I'm here... I remember someone else. A guy with green eyes, ya' know.

-A lover, maybe?-even if he knew about Lord Tyco's fate, a stinging feeling pulsed in Alastor's chest when the question sprout of his own lips. Angel just shrugged.

-Not impossible. When a customer fell for us, Val banned them for life and we were taken with Vox. Now I see it was for us to forget them, but I still don't know how it works.

-Maybe your dear friend Cherry will enlighten us once she's free.

Angel's soft smile relieved the stinging in Alastor's chest, as he took another sandwich from the basket at their feet. 

How in the world did that little creature get him like this? In the pace of two weeks, the Red Prince had defyed his own mother more than once, escaped his own palace, made friends out of mercenaries who were also helping him to rescue a complete stranger from Valentino's claws, and right now, he just ditched a council reunion just to have a barefoot picnic in the garden, something unthinkable since he left childhood behind.

All of that because of that blonde boy who somehow carried an echo from a happier past.

Everyday, Alastor's curiosity about his concubine grew wider and wider, but when he offered Angel to help him recover his memories with magic he right away refused, saying he wanted to do that at his own pace. Alastor respected his decision, but that only added intrigue and impatience, along with the set of skills the blonde started showing. He was an excellent rider and shooter, his dancing was too graceful to be thought at the mansion and just that morning Angel surprised him with a delicious breakfast he made on his own with Niffty's mere supervision to show his gratitude, even if the first attempt to rescue his friend the day before didn't go that well.

-What'cha readin'?-suddenly, Angel's chin and hand rested in his shoulder like it was nothing. As time went by the concubine got braver regarding physical contact with the prince, at some point it stopped being a bother for him.-Is that some of ya' mambo-jambo?

-Not at all, darling. Just some fine poetry. -Angel pouted and sat back, finishing his sandwich and starting a new flower crown.

-Niff-y hay ya' phay da' phiano-he said with his mouth still full.

-I do, my dear- even when they had napkins at the basket, Alastor took out his own handkerchief for Angel to clean the crumbs all over his lips.-And I might teach you as long as you correct your manners.

Angel swallowed to protest:

-What'cha mean, Smiles? I'm fucking impeccable!

-Ha!Tu l'es?- Alastor snorted amused, closing the book.-Alright then, show me. 

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