13: Stories and History

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New chapter! I was sooooo wishing to write this one, there's a lot of world-building to this story I just can't wait to share with you, guys. Also, here's an extra song that helped me a lot to finish this chapter, Aurelio Voltaire's Safe in your Love (World Premier Version):




-Why do you insist on living in that old shack?-said Stolas, softly caressing Blitzø's shoulder from behind his back, and scattering peeks all over his neck- I have plenty space in here, it would be better for both you and Loona to have a home that's not crumbling.
-Then give it to her -said the mercenary nonchalantly, squeezing the sorcerer's hand. -She needs it more than I do.  Plus, I don't need your crazy ex to know that I'm here.

The Master Sorcerer of the Southern Lands had a wife, one that only brought him suffering and a daughter, Octavia. After fifteen years of what can only be described as pure hell, she reluctantly went back to the Northern Lands and agreed to have the girl for a year and let her be with Stolas another, so she could learn her parents disciplines and decide for herself which one she'll inherit as future Master Sorceress.

A year ago, Loona expressed her wish to become a magic apprentice, but since Blitzø didn't trust any houngan in the kingdom nor had the money to pay them for it, he right away broke into Stolas' observatory to steal a few magic books for his own daughter to learn on her own, and got caught. You could say it was love at first robbery.

-Stella is far in the north, Blitzy, there's nothing to...

-Don't call me that -Blitzø stood up from the bed and walked away to the bathroom slamming the door, clearly pissed. It was that kind of slipups that after a year, made everything weird. What Stolas considered just an innocent pet name made his man feel disrespected and recluded in a place where the sorcerer could never reach him until he decided to come back.

Stolas sighed frustrated, sitting straight in the matress and looking around the purple bedroom to distract himself. As if a prayer was heard, the crystal ball next to his bed glimmed, showing the proximity of a pitchblack deer, his rider and a second companion he certainly wasn't expecting. Not yet at least.


One thing was to admire Ombré, and another one was to ride him, as Angel learned the hard way. The black stag seemed determined to lauch the poor concubine away at any moment, and hadn't he clench to Alastor's waist maybe he would have flew away long ago.

-Having fun, cher?

-Ya' think?!?

-Ha! We're almost there, Angel, hold on a little more!

-Ya' said that shit an hour ago!!!

Maybe not an hour, Angel thought, but who cared when you were bouncing over a savage beast? And not even the fun way! 

He closed his eyes and embraced Alastor even more, fearing that at any moment he would fall and break his neck over the rocks of the road or fall into a bog. He wanted to ride a horse, but Alastor insisted him to share a ride over his beloved pet, arguing it would be more exciting. Trying to calm himself, he breathed Alastor's cinnamon scent. At least there were no queens nor servants over them. Even if it was for a crazy ride, Angel had the prince all for himself.

Ombré got out of the main road, jumping over some bushes and finally slowering his pace. Angel opened his eyes to see the sight of the road behind them being covered by branches and vines. Then the forest surrounding them changed and came alive in a totally different way: despite being noon, the sunlight passing through the trees was as dim as a sunset; every flower and insect around glimmed softly in vivid colors, like beating hearts sleeping. Here and there little animals could be seen, running and hiding from the travelers. Silver ethereals floated around the couple, and got lost among the willows.

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