9: (UN) Fading Memories

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Just a note before you start: the first piece Angel is dancing is Strauss' Blue Danube, and the second one is the one up here. It just fit them no matter the AU, dont' you think?

TW: PTSD, mentions of war conflict.


-And one, and two, and one, two three. And one, and two, and one, two, three...

Fawn was strict, indeed. Especially when the heir to the throne escaped to the downtown without a word and came back absolutely wasted, as she witnessed from the balcony. While Husk and Alastor, still hungover, were sent to the port to receive the anansian ambassador, Angel had to deal alone with the Queen's... wrath?

-Your Majesty, I...

-If you actually want to stay, you better learn how to behave within the Royal Court-she said to Angel as he followed her to the Great Hall, an enormous golden room flooded in light from seven arch windows, were a beautiful crystal chandelier hung over a tile red floor with gilded floral motifs surrounding the Royal Crest at the center. At the moment, the only furniture were a white rococo loveseat and a phonograph with a gilded box filled with more cylinders over a coffe table next to it on a corner. -We will start with dancing lessons today.

Angel couldn't help to feel suspiscious. Was that a trick?

-You are... you are not mad at me?

-Mad? You, my darling, achieved the impossible last night!-said the queen.-Alastor had never been interested at socialize beyond diplomacy and duty. Not even Husk has ever convinced him and even if he did, I guess the weight of the crown made my boy reconsider any time.

-So you're not mad?-Fawn laughed gracefully at the question.

-Mad? I'm beyond furious, cher! But I'm too happy to care! Now-after winding up the phonograph, she offered one hand for Angel to take it and put the other over his shoulder, so he could take a leading position.-Let's see what you can do.

Therefore, Angel had been rehearsing waltz dancing for at least three hours, at first with her, and then alone with Fawn resting in the loveseat, marking the rythm with a cane. The queen was a very strict teacher, she was decided to make an impeccable dancer of him by lunch, were next he would be taking etiquete lessons with Niffty.

That, or she was punishing him in her own manner. Angel wasn't used to the leading role unless he was dancing solo, and even if she didn't insult or hit him, the continuous pocking with that goddamn cane was enough for a torture.

-And one, and two, and one, two, three; and one, and two, and WATCH THAT POSE!-she pocked Angel's tired back to get him straightened -and one, and two, and one, two, three; and one, and two, and ARMS UP!-now she pocked his aching arms-and one, and two, and one, two, three; and one, and two, and EYES UP!-and now she rose his chin-You have to look at your partner in the eyes, Angel! Conection is EVERYTHING in waltz! And one, and two, and one, two, three...

-Conection to what? The fucking walls?!?-retorted the blonde one under his breath.

-Je peux t'entendre, mon cher! Don't make this longer than it should! And one, and two, and one, two, three...

Before Angel started crying in frustration, a knock on the Great Hall's doors before a page got into the room.

-Your Majesty, the ambassador is waiting for you at the boardroom.

-Tell them I'm on my way, sweetie-Fawn stood up and left the cane next to the loveseat before leaving.-You can rest for now, Angel. See you at lunch.

The second the doors closed leaving him alone, Angel collapsed in the loveseat with a heavy sight, spreading out like a ragdoll and then letting himself slide to the cold fresh floor, rejoicing on the colorful reflect of the sunlight over the ceiling through the chandelier's crystals.

He didn't regret it, though. The events of the previous night came to his mind like a sunbeam on a cold morning, even the crazy fight at the bar. And having the chance to kiss the Red Prince, even if it was just the forehead... oh, the face Cherry'd make when he tell her!

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