6: Breakfast at the Palace

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It seems the Loas favour the readers of Laveau!  

TW: PTSD, mentions of war conflict.

The previous night seemed like a bad dream, but Angel knew it did happen once the soft breeze of the morning blowing from the barely open window woke him up, and he found himself in the white bedroom at the Palace. He covered up with the cotton sheets, so soft and fresh it felt like he was laying on a comfy cloud, as he grabbed his little felted piggy from the pillow. 

Angel still wasn't sure about how did he feel about the whole thing. More than the deal, the whole way the prince managed being robbed in his own home without retaliating on him. He could even take away Fat Nuggets, or jinx Angel since apparently Alastor could use magic. But the prince didn't even touched him, and he remembered the look in his eyes when Angel flinched...


He remembered everything. 

And he wasn't aching or hurt, or even naked. His underwear kept on and untouched, even though he didn't actually remember picking up the pink corset and skirt that rested folded over a chair at the other side of the room. Or taking the sheets back to the bed; after Alastor left he just passed out over the bare mattress hugging Fat Nuggets.

-Well that's new-Angel took away the sheets and sat on the edge of the mattress, as a shy knock on the door was heard. He hid Fat Nuggets under the pillow by mere instinct. -Come in.

For his delight, Niffty entered the room with a trail of freshly made and honey-bathed beignets with fresh strawberries, juice and tea. Under her arm, he could see a basket with sewing items.

-Good morning Angel!-said the housekeeper cheerfully, putting the trail on the table and the  basket on the floor.- Did you sleep well?

-I'd be lyin' if I say no-he admitted, standing up as his stomach growled at the sight of the food.-this looks so good!

-Wait until you taste it then-said Niffty while serving him a cup of tea- and not that you don't look good in a dress, but I thought maybe you could use something more comfortable when there's no special event, so I'm taking your measures today.

-Thank you-before sitting, Angel walked to the wide-open door. He could recall Alastor saying he'd be locked down as a punishment, but there was no guard out there at the corridor and also the window where he escaped was still open, the one where the morning breeze came from. However, before his foot could move out of the room, an invisible force stopped it.-Wha-? How-?

-Yeah, that.-said Niffty, gently smiling, as Angel tried to push the mysterious barrier. It wasn't hard but pretty flexible, and looking closely it shined a green glow under Angel's hands.-Alastor told us about your situation. The spell only forbids you to get out of the room by doors or windows until tomorrow, but if you need anything I'll still be able to come and go.

-But he said... oh, come on!-once Angel came to the realization, he facepalmed so hard it left a red mark over his forehead. Of course, everything happened after midnight. That same day. -How am I supposed to get outta here? Am I a freakin' ghost now??

-No silly, you're just on a time out.-Niffty chuckled a little as she took him from the arm to the table.-And it will only be for the day, it will pass in the blink of an eye. In any case, these walls have ears. Now, have some beignets, they're to die for. 

Angel sat down at last and took a sip from the cup. The taste of warm chamomile and berries invaded his senses, calming down for a moment his frustration, and the second he bit the first beignet he almost cryed. The sweetest thing he was permitted at the Marquis' table was some fruit or juice, but it had nothing to do with what he was feeling right now. It was something in the way it was prepared, he couldn't precise what it was, but it made a huge difference.

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