7: Ace of Spades

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Some of you may noticed it has only been two days in the story. I promise after this chapter everything will speed up. Also, I was wondering if you will be interested on some extra  chapter explaining the world of The Concubine, please let me know on the comments if you'd like that.

Husker Spade came from a long military line, all of them men of honor and all of them welders of the Royal Family's deepest secrets. He was proud of that history and grateful with everything that came with it, including his wife. He wasn't afraid of being called to the battle, after all his combat skills owed him the name of The Griffin among cadets and enemies, and even his greatest rivals respected and admired him enough to share a beer or two (or three or ten) with him. 

But if there was something he could live without, it was the fucking politics. He almost prefered to be sent to the North, were the war has roared for ten years, than to be sitting once a week hearing for hours how powerful people decided thousands of fates thanks to a selfish bastard that couldn't admit his own responsibility on a senseless tragedy. The very same bastard who died without solving a single thing on the matter and left a falling apart nation to be fixed by his widow and son. 

Although Fawn and Alastor did a great team and for the most part they could rise Laveau up from its ashes almost on their own, there was still to much to be done, and it didn't help most of the council was formed by the old king's supporters; a bunch of old, corrupt suckers who only cared of themselves and their fortunes. Most of the time, he ended up falling asleep during those reunions; of course there was a time at first when Husk really tryed to share his thoughts and solutions, but after seeing how even the Queen had it difficult to be heard after all those years, he just gave up and became just a vote for whatever Al or Fawn proposed.

This time, the second a portrait of Alastor's grandfather behind the Queen changed the color of the eyes to a vivid blue woke him up.

-What the fuck... 

-Is there anything wrong, Captain?-asked the Queen, a tad annoyed by the not-so-discreet swearing.

-My apologies, Your Majesty-Husk stood up and bowed respectfully.-Please excuse me, I shall attend an urgent issue.

-Go ahead, Captain.

As he got out of the boardroom closing the door, Husk gave a quick look to the portrait to confirm his suspicions. Not only it wasn't brown eyed anymore, but the eye sockets were hollow from that point of view.

-'Course he did-he sighed, annoyed. He took a deep breath to calm down and started knocking softly over the walls as he walked through the hallway until one of the wooden plaques sounded hollow. He pushed it slightly to action a secret door and left it barely open.

-Aha!-Angel's triumphant expression came from it, but the second he got out, he got lifted by the waist and carried over the Captain shoulder like a sack.-Oh, come on!

-How the hell did you get out?-asked Husk, heading to the former prisoner's room.-Weren't you fucking grounded?

-Ooow, lemme have some fun, hot stuff-purred Angel, twirling a lock from Husk's hair.-And it was ya' girl who told me walls have ears in here.

-That's not an invitation. And leave my damn hair alone!-annoyed, Husk dumped Angel at the first seat he found on the hallway to fix his hair. The blonde poutet like a child, arms crossed and everything.

-Alright, ya grumpy cat... -a square bulge on the Captain's pocket caught his eye.-Is that a card deck or you're just happy to see me?

-Not. Funny.

-Come on, Cap, I'm so fucking bored!-he complained.-And you're too, swear I heard ya' snoring back in there. Let's play a hand and I'll stay at my room, whatcha' say?

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