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In the morning Court and I packed up our things, reattached the horses before starting our journey to the city once more.

We developed a pattern. Driving the cart until the sun went down and stopping for breaks for either us or the horses to get water and the occasional piece of hay.

From how things have gone it seems we'd have a pleasant ride to the city. No one has disturbed us at all. It remained just the two of us and the horses on the ride with no fear of outside forces disturbing us.

The days went by the same.

I was always laying with Court falling asleep in his lap or in his arms depending on how the day went. When he is taking guard at night, I'm in his lap with his hands playing in my hair. His fingers were always tangled in my hair, and he'd untangle and comb my hair in the morning.

Some nights he would sleep with me. These were the nights I'd fall asleep deep in his embrace with pelts over the two of us protecting us from the cold.

Since we are on the main trail Court hasn't shifted once to avoid anyone seeing him. I could pass him off as my pet, but then a chance of someone seeing him shifting back or him and not the wolf with me next time.

We decided to just play it safe and keep his wolf form concealed.

So, this led Court to be in his human form for the trip. Meaning I got to cuddle up to skin instead of fur. While his fur is warmer there is a certain intimacy with being near him when he's human. Skin-to-skin contact is something I had craved.

Even if he was staying up, he let me attach myself to him. With Court next to me the nightmares tend to get better. They don't occur as often and when I wake up, I calm down faster with him next to me.

I felt comfort having him with me.

"We should be at the city here soon."

I looked up at Court and smiled. "What are we going to do once we are there?" I asked.

"Well first things first will be finding where we can trade all these pelts and supplies. I would like to lighten our load and get some coins. More so than what I already have."

Court tapped his pocket where he had a pouch full of the currency the city uses. I never bothered to understand how currency worked. Even with the books that spoke of it. The currency didn't work in the village. It was all a trading system.

"And after that?" I asked.

"I was thinking of finding us somewhere to stay for the night. An inn. We'll put tie the horses up with the cart. Make sure we take all our valuables in though. It's unlikely thieves will take the horses, but no one will pass up unguarded valuables." Court explained.

"Will we start buying things and looking for the people from the village tomorrow?" I asked.

"That's the plan. This is the nearest city, there are a few others, but they are a long travel away. With what happened I don't think they would go much further than here." Court set his hand on mine and forced a smile out.

It was a simple plan that required simple execution. Something that we wouldn't struggle with. All we have to do now is await our arrival.

On the last trek to the city, I had fallen asleep rested up against Court's shoulder. Sitting didn't seem exhausting until it's what you've been doing for the last few days.

Court didn't seem bothered by me falling asleep, so I chose not to feel guilty about it. I had actually caught him smiling once when I had woken up.

This time Court had been the one to wake me up.

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