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"You see there are a bunch of different types of mushrooms. Some are editable and others are poisonous. Some poisonous ones will simply make you sick while others could kill you." 

Court picked up a white mushroom and then pointed at an orange mushroom growing on a tree.

"This one is a puffball mushroom and the ones growing on the tree are called chicken of the forest. They're delicious. . . Lyell actually showed me these ones." Court smiled as he plucked the orange mushrooms. 

His smile became weak at the mention of his brother. 

Despite my anxiety at being this close to the forest I moved closer to Court and hugged him. He hugged me back before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"You can cook the chicken of the forest similar to chicken. We can consider it a replacement until the chickens are breeding and we have some for slaughter and not just eggs." Court noted.

I smiled. 

"Well, if you find me some oil, I might fry them tonight with some of the bread I baked, breadcrumbs to be exact." I told him.

"I'll find you something to fry the mushrooms in."

He began removing the mushrooms from the trees before placing them into our basket. We stayed at the edge of the forest thankfully. We moved up and down picking a variety of mushrooms and berries before the two baskets we brought with us were full.

"I think I'm going to make a pie with the berries." I murmured.

"A pie would be delicious. You know the group we sent out to the cities should be coming back. They'll have all sorts of new food as well as supplies, we have a place for gardening being set up. Things are going well here."

Court offered his hand to me as we began walking back to our cabin.

What he said is true. Court and Thorin had formed a small group to do a run into the cities. They traded out some of the pelts we have from all the hunting that goes on along with a few other things we have. We have more chickens getting ready to be born since some of the fertilized eggs had been left under the hens.

More chickens meant more hens, which would result in more eggs being laid. The roosters would be eaten, and a few would be put in with the other hens. More animal enclosures were built to make room for more.

The horses hadn't changed at all. They were mainly used for transportation and later to help with bringing things back and forth.

A few of the horses were gone with the group that went to the city.

I had considered going with. Court had told me it was okay, but in the end, I couldn't see myself leaving him behind for all of that time.

Instead, I opted to stay home which I didn't regret.

Over the past weeks Lotus had been coming over more frequently while Xerxes prepared to move out. When Lotus came over, she always had Aurora with her. I didn't mind it though.

Aurora is a quiet baby and doesn't cry much. If she's crying, she's typically hungry or needs to be changed. Having Lotus over is nice.

Today Court was free though meaning it's just us. Xerxes had gone off with Maisie leaving Court and I alone tonight. I appreciated that though.

"So, I'm going to go find some oil to use, you get everything ready for dinner and I'll be back soon." Court told me as he handed me the basket as we arrived at our cabin.

"Okay, I'll start on the pie as well." I told him.

Court smiled. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my lips before disappearing off to the human's side of our small little flourishing town. 

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