Chapter 6: The Twins Fight!

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It was another day at the Host Club. Everyone was doing their job entertaining guests if they had them. Daniel was one host that was free from guests as he helped Haruhi with tea. It was better than doing nothing and he figured why not? He was walking by the twin's table of guests when they were playing their guessing game.

The twins were standing up with big grins on their faces as they faced their guests. "Let's play the 'Which one is Hikaru' game!" The two said in sync, taking out their matching hats and mixing each other around to make it difficult for their guests to tell them apart.

"So can you tell which one is Hikaru?" The doppelgangers asked the girls as Daniel couldn't help but stop and watch. He still didn't get this game, he was sure it was rigged from the last time the twins played with him.

"Well, it's hard to say, you're identical." One of their guests told them as the twins stood straight up, copying each other's movements.

"Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but none have succeeded." They told them. By this time Haruhi has walked up next to Daniel, hearing about their game they were playing with the guests.

"That's the dumbest game I've ever heard of," Haruhi told them, being as blunt as ever, gaining the twin's attention.

"What? Do you have a problem with it?" They asked her, walking over to the two commoners.

"No, I think it's rigged though," Daniel told them before Haruhi answered.

"Not really, I just don't understand why you two are so popular." She stated, making the twins come on either side of them.

"That's not really nice." The two of them told them.

"I'm disappointed."

"Apparently, you don't understand the merits of having a pair of twins as members of the host club." The two said, finishing each other's sentences.

"Listen up. Having a couple of good-looking guys with homosexual tendencies earns the club high points. It also helps that the two struggle between their attraction and their friendship."

"And in our case, because we're twins, our relationship is taboo and therefore more intriguing." They explained to them. Daniel could understand their reasoning but was still conflicted about the two of them.

"Besides who hasn't fantasized about twins? Having two loves are better than one don't you think?" Hikaru and Kaoru moved closer to Daniel, the former lifting his chin up.

The action caused Daniel to blush before swatting them away with gritting teeth. "Who would want the two of you to be their lovers? You're both nothing but trouble." He told them, crossing his arms.

"Awe, you're so mean, Danielle." The two pouted before they both hugged him. "But since you're so cute we'll forgive you!" The cooed as Daniel struggled to get away from their grasps as Haruhi watched, sweat-dropping at the three of them.

Suddenly the door slammed open as Tamaki looked irritated while holding a laptop. "Hikaru, Kaoru! When I gave you control of the club's website, I did it so on one condition that you take it seriously." Tamaki exclaimed to the twins, giving Daniel room for escape.

"We do take our job seriously, boss."

"In fact, we worked on it till dawn." The two told the blonde, waving their hands.

This didn't ease Tamaki's frustration one bit. "Is this what you worked hard to create!?" The blonde shouted, putting up naked pictures of Haruhi and Daniel.

When the two commoners got witnessed these photos they were shocked. Haruhi's soul was starting to leave her body as she was frozen in shock. Daniel's face started turning red from anger and embarrassment as Honey looked at the pictures next to them.

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