The Matching

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I woke up knowing that today was going to be a harder day than usual. I wanted to shut myself away for as long as possible and not have to deal with anything. I knew that if I did that, I would be missing out on a lot and so, I got up and got dressed. I made my way to the great hall just in time for breakfast. At Hogwarts, I had never had very many friends but I always felt at home. I knew that I didn't need anyone to make me feel safe but right now I just really needed a friend. I sat patiently waiting for the names to be announced. While I was waiting I was unable to eat with the fear of puking. Finally, McGonagall walked up to the front.
"We are going to start reading off names. As your name gets called, please come up and meet your partner and then someone will take you to your new dormitory." She slowly started to call out names and I patiently waited to hear mine.
"Poppy Redburn and... Draco Malfoy..." The hall went quiet as his name was called. I stood up shocked not knowing what to do. I slowly walked to where he was and we walked out of the hall at a distance. I was not going to be looking forward to the next bit of time that I had to spend with him. I knew that it was going to be difficult for me not to say anything that would anger him and I knew that he was going to get annoyed with me very fast. We were lead down to near the dungeons. The man that had taken us to the spot told us the password and then hurried off. I was stuck with Malfoy.
"Alone backwards." I whispered. The portrait slowly opened up and revealed a dark area with multiple rooms off to the sides. There were stairs leading up to more rooms as well. I looked around the rooms and saw last names on all of the doors and knew that I needed to look for the one that said Malfoy. I couldn't see one with the last name on the bottom floor so I went upstairs and found it. I slowly opened the door as if I would scare whatever was inside of the room. I walked in to see the regular bedroom things like a bed and bathroom. There was also a separate sitting area just for Malfoy and I. There was a large couch as well as a fireplace that was already on and heating up the cold room. I kept looking around and found a window right over the bed. Through the window I could see the large squid that was located in the dark lake swimming around like it had no care in the world. Right now I wished to be that squid swimming around like nothing in the world mattered. I turned around after hearing the door creak open.
"Redburn..." I thought that he was going to say something sweet about how he wished that he could help me leave this situation but instead he sighed out "I call the bed."

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