Back to Hogwarts - Updated

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The first rays of sunlight gently caressed my face, slowly pulling me out of my slumber. As I stretched my arms and legs, I felt an unusual sensation of anticipation and excitement building up inside me. I couldn't shake the feeling that today would be a phenomenal day that would bring new opportunities and experiences.

As I woke up this morning and stretched my arms and legs, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. An inexplicable excitement was brewing within me, as if the universe was conspiring to make this day special. The sun's warmth on my skin, the gentle breeze blowing through my hair, and the birds chirping seemed to be in harmony, creating an atmosphere of joy and hope. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something extraordinary was about to happen today, and I couldn't wait to find out what it was.

As I carefully unfolded the letter, my heart racing with anticipation, I couldn't believe what I was reading. It was an invitation, written in elegant script, inviting me to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for my seventh year. My eyes widened with excitement as I reread the words, hardly daring to believe my luck. I remembered all too well the chaos that had ensued the previous year, the fear and uncertainty that had left me feeling lost and alone. But now, as I held the invitation in my hands, I felt a spark of hope ignite within me. This was my chance to redo my seventh year and make it everything I had ever dreamed it could be. I couldn't be more grateful for this opportunity, and I knew I would give it my all to make the most of it.

Dear Miss Poppy,

I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts School of Wizards and Witchcraft will reopen for the upcoming academic year. Your passion, dedication, and exceptional skills in the magical arts will be a valuable addition to our returning student body.

As you may already know, the past year has been challenging for all of us. The Hogwarts faculty is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff. Therefore, we have implemented some new rules and regulations designed to protect everyone during these uncertain times.

We sincerely hope that you will consider returning to Hogwarts this year and joining our magical community once again. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are always here to help.

Take care and stay safe.


Professor Minerva McGonagall

The letter was from the Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, who had written that new rules and regulations would be in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all the students during these trying times. I felt relieved knowing the school took the necessary precautions to protect its students.

As the news began to sink in, a feeling of excitement and anticipation filled me up. I couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts, the place that had become my second home. However, with the new term looming, I knew I had to start preparing immediately. Without wasting any time, I quickly decided to visit Diagon Alley, the bustling wizarding marketplace, to purchase all the necessary supplies for the upcoming school year. Before leaving, I called my mother to inform her of my plans. I collected some floo powder from the fireplace to make my journey swift.

As soon as I shouted "Diagon Alley!" urgently, I was whisked away to the fabled wizarding marketplace. I was overwhelmed with awe and wonder when I stepped into the bustling street. The vibrant atmosphere was filled with the sounds of excited chatter and the sweet aroma of exotic potions as I walked past the enchanting shops. I felt a rush of excitement as I gazed at the magical creatures on display, and I couldn't help but feel that I had stepped into a completely different world. Even though I had lived in this world since my first year at Hogwarts, it still felt new and magical.

As I walked through the labyrinth of bustling shops, the memories of my time at Hogwarts flooded my mind. The cobbled streets were abuzz with activity, but somehow, I felt surrounded by the safety and comfort the magical world had always provided me. Returning to the wizarding world, I held dear filled me with a deep sense of joy and optimism that I hadn't experienced in a while.

Authors Note- Hey everyone! This is the restart of a previous story. If you are starting to read this know that my writing will change after the updated chapters. The updated chapters have updated in the title. The full rewrite of this story will start of the 23rd. I hope that ya'll enjoy the story that is coming!!

<3 Marigold

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