Your Turn

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I lay awake in the middle of the night. My head has been racing since yesterday. I'm exhausted but feel like I can't quite fall asleep. I finally fall asleep after all the racing that my head has been doing.

I wake up to hear a baby crying. Sometimes I forget that I have a magical baby. It feels so weird. I used to always think that babies were supposed to be made with love. Its supposed to be done with somebody you love. Somebody you care about. Malfoy is fine I guess but he's never who I thought I would end up with. I thought that I'd be with someone caring and kind and loving. I'm sure that he could become that but it still feels so weird. My mind keeps racing and all of a sudden I come back to reality.

"Waaaah... Wahhh..." This damn baby. I nudge Draco. His eyes shoot open and I giggle.

"It's your turn to take Oakley." He groans and rolls his eyes but gets up. I may not love Draco quite yet but a plus of him being my partner is that he'll get up when the baby is upset.

"I think she wants you," Draco says. I turn around to him holding Oakley as far away from himself. His hands are under her armpits and she's screaming her head off.

"I told you it was your turn. Just rock her back to sleep." He slowly pulls her back into his arms and rocks her gently. I point to the rocking chair that is behind him. As he sits there and hums to her I drift off once again.

I'm awoken to shaking as Draco tries but fails to push me off the bed.

"It's time for breakfast," he mumbles. I roll out of bed and put on some different clothes. My yellow robe shines in the light from the windows that Draco opened.

"About those robes... I was thinking that you could wear my sweater for today." I shrug my shoulders in defeat. I'm too tired to argue today. I take off my robe and sweater and shove on his sweater.

"Much better. You look like you could be my wife!" I roll my eyes at this comment.

"I'm not in the mood for this right now. I'm exhausted." I say.

"Oh you're tired? I stayed up with the baby after you fell asleep. I told you she wanted you."

"Thank you for letting me get some rest, however, it didn't do too much. Let's just go eat something."

We walk down to the great hall, Oakley in tow. As soon as we walk in, all I can hear is gasps.

"She has on Malfoys sweater!"

"I bet they fucked last night."

"There's no way they're together."

I look up at Draco and find his eyes looking right back down at me.

"How are we gonna stop all of this talking?"

"I guess we'll just have to put on a show." I look at him and see a smug look on his face.

"Don't you da-" Before I can finish what I was going to say I feel his soft lips land on mine. In shock I kiss him back. The feeling is something that I have never felt before and I feel a shock from him.

"And that Poppy, is how we fix that."

The Law (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now