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Today was the first day of classes and I knew that I was not going to be too excited about it. I walked down to the dining hall and grabbed what I wanted before I turned back around and exited the hall. Once again, I felt myself hit something hard. I was grabbed by my waist.
"Hey again Redburn... Why are you leaving so soon? How about you come and eat breakfast with me? We can sit and get to know each other a little bit better." Was Malfoy trying to be nice to me? I brushed off the odd feeling in my stomach and went to go sit with him. As we walked, his arm stayed around my waist as if he was trying to keep me from running into any other guys chests. The only thought going through my head was that if I was nice to him I wouldn't have to sleep on the couch again. We found a spot and started to eat.
"So Redburn, I was thinking... How about we start calling each other by each other's first names. I'm Draco and you're Poppy. I think that makes us seem more friendly and I like it more."
I looked up at M-Draco with a look on my face to say that I understood what he was saying and that I would go along with it.
"If you're getting to say what you want then so can I," I started. "I don't want to sleep on the couch again. Either you can sleep on the couch or we can sleep together."
"Ooh... I didn't know you wanted to sleep together, You could have just said so." Draco winked at me making me blush but I quickly shook my head. We ended up being handed our schedules for the day and saw that we had only classes together. I knew that it was going to be a long day but that I would enjoy getting to know Malfoy better than I had so far.

We finally got to the last class of the day, Family Planning classes. I walked into the class side by side with Draco. We found a desk and sat down. We quietly whispered as we waited for McGonagall to come into the class. Suddenly, the class became silent and McGonagall walked in.
"Today, we are going to be starting on the baby part of the law. We are going to be making potions that will produce a baby that looks like you and a partner. I have put the instructions on your desk... Now get to work.
The potion that she was having us make was almost the same as a Polyjuice Potion. You just had to add two people's blood and a few other ingredients for it to "make" the baby. I personally thought that it was very weird to be making a kid through a potion in a class.
"I think this is weird... What about you Poppy?" Draco looked down at me as if he was noticing that I was in a trance.
"I think that it will be fine. I'm excited to see what the baby will look like." Before we knew it we were on the final step. We just had to add a drop of our own blood. As soon as we did that I noticed that the potion was bubbling. Before I knew it, there was a baby girl sitting in the cauldron in front of me. The baby had Bleach blonde hair just like Draco but it was wavy like mine. She had stormy grey eyes and I knew that she looked a lot more like Draco then she did of me. Mcgonagall quickly walked over to us.
"What are you going to name her?"
"Oakley" I said before Draco could say anything. After I realized that I had blurted it out, I looked at him as if to ask if that was okay with him. He nodded to show me that he liked the name. McGonagall left us with some baby stuff and sent us back to our dorm. Draco had picked up Oakley as we made our way back to the room.

Once we had gotten back to our room I noticed that there was now a crib that was set up to be in the corner. It had dark green sheets and a tiny grey baby blanket as well as some baby toys. I thought about how I was going to have to make something with her name to hang over the crib so that I would always be able to remember this. Draco and I made sure to gently put Oakley down into her crib. I felt like I could finally sigh in relief. I laid down on the bed and I felt a dip in the mattress. I knew that it was Draco so I just stayed where I was. Before I knew it, I felt his arms wrap around me and hug me close to his chest. I fell asleep feeling warm with a happy smile on my face.

a/n- I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've posted so far. I hope that you guys like it. I'm still working on getting everything to line up in this fanfic and it is taking way longer than I thought it would. Love you guys and thanks for reading!

The Law (Draco Malfoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin