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I hated the way that he put his lips on mine so easily in front of everyone in the great hall, however I loved that everyone shut up as fast as they did. I felt powerful with him next to me holding Oakley. I felt like I was on top of the world and there was nothing that would have been able to bring me down from that feeling. That was until I felt an odd presence next to me.

"Heyyyy Dracy!! How are you doing? You should get away from this whore." I immediately knew who it was that was right next to me. It was none other than the bitch herself. Pansy. I hated the way that she thought that everything she saw was hers. I hated that she thought that she was able to get whatever she wanted just by batting her eyelashes and calling people annoying nicknames. There was no way in hell that I was jealous of the black haired bitch that stood next to me. Especially when I looked up at the boy that was still holding my hand. His grip had gotten tighter and I could feel the tension building up between the two of them.

"First of all," he started. "Only I get to call her a whore. Second of all... I thought I told you to stay away from me. You know that your boyfriend doesn't want you near me at all. Leave us alone Pansy." I could feel her huff as she walked away not wanting to argue with the boy that was so painfully right. Draco and I watched her leave feeling relieved to not have to be around any more of the negative energy that we could feel coming from her. As soon as we turned our eyes away, Draco turned to me and gave me a little kiss on the nose before Oakley was able to scream out in protest. I had a feeling that she would have been hungry by now. I pulled a bottle out of my school bag and made it quickly.

"Shhh... Shhh... Take this Oakley. Shhh." The baby immediately latched onto the bottle and her crying ceased. I knew that today was going to be a long day especially because I had to take this baby along with me to all of my classes. I collapsed onto the bench under me in the dining hall as Draco grabbed Oakley out of my arms.

"Ill feed her. You eat. You've been looking sick." I looked up at him and didn't even have to say anything. He knew that I was thankful for his help. I slowly piled up the food on my plate. There was enough for me and enough for Draco. I cut a piece of my cheese omelet off and made sure that it was securely on my fork. I raised the fork up to Draco's mouth as he opened it smiling.

"We make a pretty good team," he said smiling.

"Maybe you'll be better as a stay at home mom than I would be," I said giggling. He rolled his eyes at this. I knew that he had big plans for the future. Personally, I wanted to become a teacher for herbology or magical creatures. Those were my two favorite subjects. I had always loved the teachers that I had had in those classes and I knew that I wanted to be able to impact other students in the way that those teachers had impacted me. Draco nudged me, noticing that I had dazed off. I jumped back into action causing him to laugh.

"Poppy, It's time for us to go to class. We'll be late if we don't leave now."

"But there's still 20 minutes until class!"

"I know love but we have to get baby Oakley changed and we have to make it there while you're half asleep. Let's get going."

I nodded my head knowing that he was right. I was having fun thinking about the future though and not having to worry about the crying baby that was now asleep in Draco's arms. 

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