Blaise's Help- UPDATED

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As I boarded the train, I quickly scanned the compartments to find an empty one. Unfortunately, every spot was already taken. Then, I spotted a compartment with only two occupants and joined them. As I approached them, I realized that one of them was Blaise Zabini, a fellow Slytherin. Despite my initial apprehension, he seemed friendly enough. The other boy sat quietly, seemingly lost in thought. Opting not to disturb them, I settled into my seat and closed my eyes, hoping to catch a few minutes of rest before our arrival.As I slowly regained consciousness, I heard hushed whispers around me. My curiosity piqued, and I resisted the urge to open my eyes. Instead, I stayed as still as possible, hoping to catch any bits of the conversation that might be pertinent. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but wonder if what they said had anything to do with me. The snippets of words I could catch were disjointed and incomplete: "Death Eater," "Father," and other vague references that didn't make sense to me. Suddenly, the whispers grew quieter, as though the speakers had realized I was awake. I wanted to keep myself a secret but didn't want to get all the information. I continued to listen, not because I enjoyed it, but because I was fascinated by the inner workings of other people's lives. Finally, unable to resist any longer, I slowly opened my eyes, eager to discover what was happening.I recognized that voice instantly. It was Malfoy - calm and composed as always. "Awake, are we, Redburn?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I groggily opened my eyes, pretending to have just woken up. I didn't want him to suspect I had overheard their earlier conversation. "Um, yeah... I was just about to get up. Sorry if I interrupted you," I replied, sounding as carefree as possible. The truth was, I was nervous. I did not want to discover what Malfoy would do to anyone who dared to eavesdrop on his private conversations with Blaise. Their friendship had always been a strong and unwavering presence throughout their years at Hogwarts and I knew bettter than to entrude.The words spoken to me felt like a sharp stab to my heart. "Oh no, Redburn, you didn't interrupt anything. We knew you woke up earlier than you let on, though. You don't have to fake sleeping to listen in. Geez, be better. I bet your father would be disappointed," Malfoy had said. I felt a mix of emotions - anger, humiliation, and sadness. The fact that I was caught in a lie by someone like Malfoy made it even worse. I knew my father would have been disappointed in my inability to hide my lies, and it hurt me deeply. Blaise could sense my distress and gave me a reassuring nod, indicating that he would handle Malfoy. I was grateful for his support in that moment of vulnerability. I couldn't help but feel drawn to Blaise, and I wished I could get to know him better. Despite the unpleasant situation, I found comfort in Blaise's kindness and understanding.

A/N- CHAPTER THREE IS REWRITTEN (finally) I've had to work a lot this summer so I'm sorry for the slow updates. I knew that it was going to take a while to rewrite everything but I wasn't expecting to take this long. I've finished up most of the story except for some last chapters as I have no clue how I want to wrap everything up. Anyways, I know this chapter is shorter, there are some longer ones coming up soon. This is just kind of a filler chapter. I hope that ya'll are enjoying the new stuff and I can't wait to schedule out the rest of the posts. I'm gonna start working on a posting schedule and I want to try to get 3 chapters out every week. Thanks for sticking along for the journey and I hope you enjoy all to come! 

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