Chapter Twenty Four : Puppets

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(In the pic above / to da side is a picture of the artwork Maddie drew in her notebook. The drawing was actually done by , well as much as I can read ; Ates Irenl. Or something close or not at all close to that. Just wanted to give her/him their credit.)

Niall's POV

How dare she! Call Maddie a whore! She is the real whore here! I knew something was up, she was using me the entire time.

I run up to Maddie's room, well up to her door since it's locked, and knocked softly.

"Mads, please open the door." I begged, knocking again. She stayed silence. "The silent treatment," I sighed. She always did this when we got into a fight. Her best defense on me, the silent treatment.

I sunk to the bottom of her door, hugging my knees to my chest with my chin resting on top of my kneecaps.

"It's not true Maddie."I called, hoping for a response while I pulled my knees closer to my chest. All I heard was soft scribbling of a pencil. She was drawing. Expressing her feelings. Most likely anger, hurt, betrayal.

"Maddie, I really am sorry." I whispered one last time, before standing up.
• • •
Maddie's POV

I heard the footsteps, but I was too concentrated on finding a distraction. Thoughts filled my mid along with dark ideas.

He was using me, playing me. Like a fool. I was his little puppet.


I ran over to my old desk where I keep all three of my art journals. Puppet, puppet, puppet. He wanted me to be his puppet, so I'll be his puppet.

I began to draw the outline of her face. She was supposed to be me, but with a mask and puppet features. I put dark shapes around her eyes to signify that she was a freak, like me.

I drew lips with a line going from the corner of her lips to her ears, like a clean slice. Showing that she is strong and dangerous. Then I drew like tape to keep her cut from spilling blood, to show that she is smart and can handle pain.

I continued to draw hidden characteristics. Like a flower to show her beauty within. A spider web that is next to the flower to show that she is not also perfect, she has her demons. Then I gave her blonde hair, the hair I always wanted to show her dreams. I added jewelry to show that she is valuable just like a jewel. Then an earring to show that she in a powerful female, since the earring in a female symbol.

The eyes. The last part. The hardest part.

Once I finished every detail to the face, I studied it. Every curve, every mistake, every brush of my pencil. Every quality of me.

I stared into the eyes, getting lost in them. They showed the fear that I masked at points. It made me question her.

Did she want to look like this? Was she forced to be like this? Or did she chose to be like this?

The eyes showed the doubt in herself. And the belief in herself. It was half and half. Like me . . . torn in two. My heart with Niall and my mind without.

"It's not true Maddie." I heard Niall mumble. I picture him sulking on the floor, which he is probably doing right now, he's disappointed in himself, he's mad at himself and lost. I put my pencil away and left my drawing on my old bed.

I'm the puppet, and it's time for my performance.

As soon as I heard Niall start to leave, I whipped open my door.

"Niall wait!" I called, running down the hall after him. "I'm sorry. I overreacted. When I found out you cheated on my, I-I-I freaked. And I'm so so so sorry. I just didn't know what to think at the moment." I explained, as Niall stared at me in disbelief.

"I'm sorry too Mads. I swear, I totally forgot about Flora until you mentioned having a girlfriend. Management forced me into he relationship. Then, I found out a few seconds ago that she was using me." Niall joked, trying to savor the last bit of humor he had in him.

"I guess you don't know what to do when you find out your being used." I whispered, Niall stepping closer to me.

"I guess we don't." Niall mumbled before crashing his lips into mine. It was a sweet, but urgent kiss.

He secured his arms around my waist as I latched my arms around his neck, playing with the lost strands of hair behind his head.

I leaned into the kiss, my puppet act slowly fading with each moment that passed. This was Niall. The Niall I love. The Niall that shattered me. The Niall that put me back together. The Niall that still teases me even though were 21. The Niall that I will want to spend the rest of my life with.

He was my Niall.
• • •


Yes, the story is almost over, I plan on doing an epilogue in the next, eh, four or five chapters. They still have a lot coming. Well not that much more, but more romance than drama. Because, can't believe I'm saying this, but there has been an obsessive amount of drama in this book since like the seventh chapter all the way to this one. I just love drama and dramatic scenes and watching everything build up just to fall down. And that's the definition of life. Unfair, dramatic, and a little romantic. Unless you be like a whore or something and have a lot of romanticness in your life. But that isn't even a word so whateves.

Anyways, Happy Early Mother's Day And Happy Late Easter!

As always, don't forget to :






Luv y'all BYE!

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