Chapter Twenty Three : Somebody To You

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A/N just wanted to say thxs so much for 405 reads, that is awesome and it means the world to me. And I'm going to chose a random person for you all to follow and that is : 5_sos_army !!! 5_sos_army ur awesome and hopefully U'LL get more followers!!! Bye✌️🙅💋😜

Maddie's POV

Niall's hand was right in mine. I smiled at him as we swung our hands back in forth, humming quietly.

"I love you." I said breaking the peaceful silence. Niall turned towards me and blushed, "I love you too." He answered pecking my cheek, making me blush.

"Good." I stated, giggling. We sat down at a table and he smiled at me.

"There you two are!" Maura screeched, holding the one thing I think she loved more than her own children, her camera.

"You two we walking around the pool twenty four times, you father counted." She laughed, pointing at me. Oh course my father would do that.

"Now, together!" She snapped her fingers and motioned us to get closer as she set up her camera.

"Mum, it's the last day of spring break that Maddie has, I wanna spend it wisely." Niall complained.

I winked at Maura and pulled Niall in for a kiss, he was shocked, but went with the flow, I heard Maura snap two photos as we pulled apart. Maura laughed looking at the photos, "lemme see!" I whined, grabbing at the camera. She turned it around to show us. The first one was me kissing Niall as he was shocked with his eyes opened and freaking out. Then second one was when we pulled apart and I was smiling sweetly and Niall was still shocked with wide eyes and mouth open.

"Now, let's celebrate this party!" Maura chanted as she wandered off in the pile of people at my house. Most of them were in the kitchen where the food and drinks were.

"So, what are we? Like, what is our title?" Niall asked, taking a sip of a drink he made.

"I'm your best friend aren't I?" I asked feeling a little queasy. "That's always been my title. Right?"

"Yeah but, we can't be best friends if I keep thinking about you, and every time I see you I want to kiss you, and I love you. I wanna be something...I dunno...more than best friends. It's up to you, as long as I'm at least somebody to you." He explained. Looking me in the eye.

"Niall, you've always been more somebody to me. You always will be. But am I somebody to you? Because you're hometown boy, then your an international superstar for heavens sake! Basically every girl on earth is drooling over you." I take a deep breath, suddenly getting worked up.

"And you want me? You're every where ; on posters, on billboards, even in my roommates bathroom! And I'm only here, you could have a girlfriend this entire time and be a really good liar, and I'll still be just me." I take another pause, looking at Niall who was wearing a guilty expression.

My eyes widened.

"Oh...My...God. You son of a bitch." I growled through gritted teeth. I was ready to rip his head off. "You played me like a fool. Who is it? Is she pretty? Am I not good enough for you?! Of course I'm not, I'm a mental loser!" I ranted with my mouth open.

"All the rumors, the teases, the taunting...." I stop and turn around, my eyes watering. "It was all true. . ."

I walked away from the table me and Niall were sitting on, I went inside, passed the kitchen where my parents and Niall's were chatting, and up the stairs to my old room.

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