Chapter One- Nialler

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Maddie's POV

I woke up groggily, not getting any sleep last night. I slipped on my tights and little skirt and shirt, or our school uniform. Today would be the second day of first grade. I was excited to see my new best friend, Niall. He also lives across the street.

"Mum, I'm ready!" I called downstairs. Skipping down the stairs I grabbed my lunchbox and scurried out the door. I saw Niall's face lit up as I came out.

"Maddison!" He exclaimed through his thick Irish accent.

"Niall!" I exclaimed, using his full name as he did the same.

We walked to school together and back. On the way back, we stopped at his house.

"Madison," he said. "I think I like Maddie better."

"But I don't." I pouted. "Well, you can call me a name too." Niall suggested.

"Alright," I stopped to think as hard as my little seven year old brain could. "Nialler! Nialler, I like that one!" I exclaimed. He groaned.

"C'mon. We got worksheets to color." He explained.

We set up on his kitchen table. His mum brought out some crayons and rushed out of the room.

"Watcha gonna draw?" He asked.

"A heart." I simply replied, picking out a bright red.

"Cool. I'm gonna draw something special." He hinted.

• • •

As soon as we finished our drawings. Niall's mum came back into the kitchen with a camera.

"Smile!" She exclaimed, snapping a picture.

"What did you draw?" I asked him. He flipped his paper around so that it was facing me.

A stick figure of a girl with long black hair and blue eyes stood. Then next to it I'm big scribble letters said, "Maddie." Everyone always said I had a majestical blue eyes, I've told Niall about how I just have blue eyes. So I'm glad he just did blue, that smart boy.

"Awe Nialler! It's beautiful." I stated the complete truth.

"Not as beautiful as that heart." He pointed towards my drawing. My mum always said I had a girt for art.

I watched as his mother slipped the picture into a album. It was the first picture of many to come.

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