Chapter Twenty One : What Happens Next . . .

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Harry's POV

I decided to call Louis since the hospital was getting crazy.

I don't know what to do anymore, what am I even doing here.

"Hey, Louis, can you get Niall on the phone, like right now." I tried to stay calm. There was three nurses watching Maddie's every move. But, good news, she is awake and saying something.

"Hey Harry! What's going on? Is she okay?" Niall rushed out. Great, my phone kept beeping that it was going to die, god dammit!

"No, Niall. She is not good at all. And she is saying something, like Niall....promise.....keep? Something like that. But Niall she- I think this is the end for her." I said as I listened to the heart monitor go crazy.

"Is there enough time for me to get there?" Niall shouted.

"I don't think so." I said telling the truth. And listening in the hallway as the nurses went quite. What the?


Oh shiz. "Niall," I started. Oh hell, how do I say this. "Niall, the line went dead, Nialler- she-she's dead....." I trailed out the words before my phone died.

Then two nurses left, one left in the room. Maddie's limp body lay still on the bed. Looking so peaceful, now, she is gone. Poor, Niall.

Then the heart monitor went up. It started again. She-she-she alive!

"Ma'am, your daughters heart is strong." The nurse said, not speaking well English. "She live, too much stress bring her down again." She explained and walked out.

This is great, wait until Nia- oh crap.

I ran over to Maddie's bed.

"Maddie, why did you promise Niall?" I asked.

"No! Oh my god, I was trying to say Don't keep the promise Niall! Where the hell is he!" She started freaking out.

"He is at his house with Louis, everything's cool. Chill out." I responded, then her features turned to stone.

"Chill out? Nothing's "cool". Do you know what Niall promised me. And if you told him I was dead that is even worse!" She freaked. Out.

"Well yeah. Because you were, but then my phone died, and you came back alive. So, yeah." I answered

"He promised to go through anything I went through. AND I WENT THROUGH DEATH! Do you know what that means?" She screamed.

"That he'll go through death also?" I guessed.

"THAT HE'LL GO THROUGH DEATH ALSO!" She screamed. She picked up her phone and dialed Niall's number. "Pick up pick up pick up." She silently prayed.

"Harry I need you to drive me to Niall's house now or he will kill himself!" She screamed, jumping out of her bed, and trowing her heart monitor plug off her wrist and ran down the hallway.
• • •
Maddie's POV

Just coming back from death, and finding out the worse. This has officially been the worse day ever! Worse than 6th grade picture day!

Harry hoped in the drivers seat of his car and drove off. He was whistling the entire time, really annoying.

I hoped out of the car, and ran into Niall's house, running into the bathroom first. I opened up the cabinet under the sink, and grabbed a red bag out of there. Inside I kept spare clothes, don't ask questions.

I really quickly put on black leggings and a white tank with a jean jacket on top. Not really caring at this moment.

I ran back down stairs to see Harry confused and Louis panicked.

"How did you change?" Harry asked.

"That's not important Harry." I added.

"Niall ran out of the house, into the rain all dramatically and was an emotional breakdown." Louis explained.

"I know how that feels." I whispered pushing past them.

Then realization hit me. Rain, running, crying. All too familiar.

Where do I go when I'm sad? What do I do when I'm sad? What is the weather like when I'm sad?

"No, no no!" I yelled, running out of the door, that's example B.

I ran down two blocks and and onto sand, grazing my feet with each step. Then into the woods, misty and foggy, just like when we were little. Then I saw something.

I went to the cliff and almost slipped off. It was a far drop down.

"He isn't here?" I confused asked myself looking at the woods.

"Caught me by a second." A thick Irish accent said from behind me. I turned around to see Niall about to jump off the cliff.

"Niall! Okay, before I hug you to death, step away from the ledge please." I calmly said, so glad he wasn't dead.

"Why?" He asked. Smirking.

"Niall this isn't time for games. I'm alive. I almost died! No step away from the cliff." I answered as he inched farther off.

"Niall not playing games." I said, hesitant. While he keep smirking. Now, I'm pissed.

"Niall James Horan you step away from that fucking cliff or else," I breathed out. All this stress was really getting to me. Maybe I should just take a rest.

I felt dizzy, then Niall got three heads, two noses, bushy eyebrows, and then it went dark. I fainted.

"Maddie!" I heard Niall yell as thumping footsteps grabbed my arms before I touched the ground.

"Madison, are you okay?" Niall asked, freaked out.

"Madison? What the hell Niall?" I replied, confused.

He helped me back up as I brushed myself off.

"Aren't you dead?" Niall asked while we walked back through the woods.

"Well, yeah. But as soon as I hit death, I kicked him in in the balls, and my heart started working again, so I said "See ya later death!" And came back alive." I explained.

We both laughed when we saw Harry running towards us, Louis not far behind. Both panting and gasping for air.

"You could get lost in here." Harry explained, Louis holding on to his shoulder for support. Niall ruffled their hair as I kept walking, I wasn't feeling too well, the doctors said too much stress was maybe the reason why I got in the coma and that it could happen again if I don't escape stress soon. So I'm hella escaping stress.

The boys were laughing and talking while walking behind me. I started walking a bit faster so that I could get home a minute sooner.
• • •
I got to my house a few minutes earlier than Niall got to his. He was still fooling around and laughing, it was cute, but painful to watch. Watching from my living room window, I saw confusion come over Niall's face as he realized something. I quickly grabbed my phone which was conveniently right next to me as soon as I got a text from Bella.

I unlocked my phone, and tapped on iMessages it was pic from Bella and a caption. It was not what I needed right now. It was a pic of her bathroom at her house, with over a million different pictures of Niall on the walls, mirror, even in the shower! And it said underneath "Makeover! Thought dis would cheer ya up!"

"Thxs a lot Bell! It totally is not what I need right now." I texted and locked my phone. Five seconds later I got an incoming text from Bella.

Bella : 😢you don't like it?
Me : 😔 isn't really the time.
Bella : 😠 da hell dat boy do dis time! I'm gon beat his ass!
Me : 😄 Bells, calm down. A lot happened actually.
Bella : 😑 I have plenty of time.
Me : 😏 of course you do.....
Bella : 😟😦😧😮😐😞😔 true,
Me : I gtg, ttyl😘

I exited out of our conversation and left the couch, a sudden urge came over me. One, I haven't felt in years, since I was sixteen. For once, it felt good to have it again.

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