chapter 5.50

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Adelaide was colouring in her colouring book, simply enjoying herself. Adelaide was 3 years old. Her Nono was at school together with her other brothers. It was just her mother, Adaline and her at home. Together with Uncle Beck.

Adelaide was humming a song that Miss Marie taught her. She was so immersed in her colouring, wanting to make it perfect so she could give it to Noah when he got home that she didn't hear her come in.

Candace. Her mother.

Candace yanked Adelaide's hair back, startling Adelaide.

Adelaide started screaming out until she saw her mothers face. She knew her mother hated her screaming. Candace called her all types of words that Adelaide did not understand. Her tummy was starting to hurt from her mothers foot.

Her scalp was burning from the hair pulling.

No matter how much she wished it, Candace did not stop. She needed to vent out all of her frustration.

Adelaide was the perfect scapegoat for that to her.

Adelaide tried to pull her mind to something in the room. Letting her body go numb to the pain. The pink blue ballerina that stood on the side of her bookcase that she got for her birthday from Kiel was her new focus point.

Her back started to hurt as well but she kept focusing on that little ballerina. Hoping her mind would carry her off into a daydream or something.

It didn't help.

She could still feel everything that hurt her. Her tears were leaking down her face like a waterfall. She bit her lips to not make a sound come out. It would only hurt more if she did.

There it was.

The one thing she needed.

Her salvation.


Uncle Beck was walking up the staircase.

Her mother let go and Adelaide ran out into Uncle Beck's open arms.

Again a small side to our girls backstory. What did you think?

Till next time, Love Sarah

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