To be loved (by you) | Taejin pt 6

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I suddenly got inspired to continue this story and I'm returning with a rather heavy chapter. This story will be longer than I originally thought, because I want to take my time with it. :)

Also, it's touching sensitive subjects like ED and panic attacks, especially in this chapter. I won't go too deep into the depths of those things, but it could potentially trigger someone who's dealing with it already. Please be careful.


Seokjin silently takes his time dressing up to go outside while overhearing Taehyung and Yoongi arguing in the kitchen.

"I can't fucking believe you're going to meet the guy Seokjin kissed." Yoongi says with a frown, "What the actual fuck are you thinking?"

At that, Taehyung shrugs his shoulders, looking indifferent as he replies "What do you expect me to do instead? Just let Jin meet him alone?"

"No, but how are you so sure you won't make things worse?" Yoongi asks, "I've never seen you act like you did in the past forty-eight hours. I don't exactly know what's wrong with you, but you don't have yourself under control right now."

Taehyungs gaze darkens at the same time as his jaw clenches.

"Exactly my point." Yoongi adds immediately, "but you're going to go no matter what I say, right? All cause you're a stubborn piece of shit."

"I'll be fine." Taehyung tries to reassure, taking a deep breath to loosen the tension in his muscles. "Stop worrying about me, I'm mature enough to be somewhat decent even in a situation like that."

Yoongi switches his gaze between Taehyungs eyes. "Are you?" he questions skeptically, "because since yesterday it feels like you haven't really calmed down."

"Just cause I'm mad doesn't mean I'll make bad decisions." Taehyung says more sternly, "I'll go now. See you later for dinner?"

"Yeah." Yoongi sighs out, "Take care of yourself and call me if you need anything - promise me you'll call."

Taehyung smiles faintly. "You seriously have to stop worrying so much about me, but I promise I'll call you if something happens."

After that, Yoongi isn't fully contented but nods anyway and walks back into the hallway. There, he meets Seokjin unsurely looking back at him, fully dressed and only waiting for Taehyung to get ready too.

"You'll be here for dinner too?" Yoongi asks, "just asking to know how much I should order."

"I-" Seokjin begins but isn't sure whether he should confirm or deny, "I don't know."

Yoongi hums, responding "I'll just get you something too, just in case."

At that, Seokjin nods and softens his gaze, looking at Yoongi fondly. He really doesn't want to be alone, especially not at night.

"Thank you." Seokjin says, smiling at Yoongi, who only nods in return and walks out of the hotel room without another word.

After the door shuts, Taehyung walks into the hallway to get his jacket by the hangers, all in silence as Seokjin watches with his bottom lip between his teeth.

"You didn't really eat anything." Taehyung states absentmindedly, "do you want to grab something on the way?"

Seokjin shakes his head. "I'm okay, not hungry right now."

"That's what you always say." Taehyung retorts, then whispers the correction "Said." and averts his eyes from him.

Yoongis words flash through Seokjins mind, of him saying Taehyung isn't as collected as always ever since coming back.

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