To be loved (by you) | Taejin pt 8

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"No, Taehyung!" Seokjin shouts, seeing what the other is about to do, but realizes he's too late when Taehyung starts the electronic mixer with all the flour, that he just put into the bowl, spilling everywhere across the room.

A cloud appears between them, which takes a few seconds to fade, but when it does, Seokjin and Taehyung stare at each other in silence with a layer of flour on them.

Taehyung looks back at him with an apologizing expression, only for Seokjin to fall into loud laugher and dust it off of his clothes, still laughing at the others giant eyes.

Eventually, Taehyung starts chuckling with him and feels his heart fluttering at Seokjins squeaky laugher, loving the sight of him being happy.

"You're absolutely adorable." Seokjin says and lays his arms around Taehyungs waist while lovingly staring at his eyes. "And such a dumbass."

Taehyung grins and wipes Seokjins face to get it as clean as possible, then returns the embrace. "I really am sometimes, I give you that."

Seokjin leans in to capture his lips in a kiss, moving slowly as the morning sun shines into the mess of a kitchen that Taehyung just created.

They started baking after eating breakfast together, deciding on a strawberry cake since Seokjin got leftovers from collecting strawberries on his uncles farm, and have been trying to do it until now.

The kiss turns hungrier, and while both wear aprons, Taehyung glides his hand under Seokjins to grab his waist and lift him onto the counter, not caring whether they get dirtier with all the flour still on the table.

"You have a thing with me on surfaces?" Seokjin asks with a smile as Taehyung travels his kisses down his neck.

To that, Taehyung hums and returns to his lips, meeting his tongue for several seconds before retreating.

"Like you everywhere." Taehyung says and pulls him closer, continuing kissing his jaw, "On the counter, on the table, on the sink,"

He raises Seokjins legs to lay them around his own waist, then guides the other to lie down on the kitchen island with him following to not break the contact, "on the couch, in the bed, sitting on my-"

"I thought you were baking a cake." Jungkook states with a smirk, leaning against the doorframe, "how's that going for you?"

The couple is startled as they glance at him before hurrying to break apart from each other, quickly readjusting their clothes as soon as Seokjin hops off the surface.

"How did you come in?" Taehyung asks annoyed and moves to clean up the kitchen.

"Yoongi let me in on his way out." Jungkook replies while chuckling, taking a seat on a stool by the kitchen island, "he already warned me, said he couldn't sleep because of the talking and giggling all night."

Seokjin sheepishly tries to concentrate on finishing the dough for the cake without commenting, though Taehyung seems to be proud, saying "Yeah, we had a good time."

"I'm glad you made up." Jungkook adds and snacks on the grapes from the counter, "you both are literally perfect for each other and it makes me happy to see you reunited again."

This time, Taehyung smiles, "Thank you. The same goes to you and Jimin, I hope you both figure it out too."

About two weeks ago, Jungkook would've instantly broken down at the mere mention of Jimin, but today he appreciates Taehyungs words and replies with a "Thank you.", wanting nothing more but to at least see Jimin again.

After Seokjin puts the cake in the oven, he stands by the kitchen island on the opposite of Jungkook and leans with his hip against it. "Do you have anything planned for today?"

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