see you soon

18 2 0

{ Wilbur is bold, Kai is normal! Any others are specified }

⚠️ trigger warning for this chapter; domestic violence towards the very end, there is a warning before it starts, please read with caution.

"Well, we have.. The Fair, The Arcade, The Coffeeshop, The Pier or just a very casual walk, it's up to you."

"I think we do a bit of all of it.."
The man looked at the woman infront of him with a soft smile and nodded at her, he opened the coffee shop door for her allowing her to go first then followed behind her, they ordered coffee, he paid.
"Wil you didn't have to buy my coffee for me."
"Well, I've already done it now."

Next up,
The pair began to walk to the pier, walking fairly close by eachother, she was shocked no fans had recognised them yet, not that it was a bad thing. The entire time they walked around, the more they learnt about eachother. Wilbur learnt that Kai was still in university, he learnt that she had very bad anxiety (which she shared with him), he found out how old she was, where she lives, what she wants to do in the future, etc.
Kai learnt that wilbur was sort of freelancing life, she learnt that he wanted to start a band but wasn't sure where to start, she offered to help him which he gratefully accepted, she learnt his age, where by he lives and more.

"Wilbur look there's churros!!"
"You want some?"
"Fuck yeah!" The woman made her way through a crowd of people just to get churros for the two of them, which she swiftly paid for before Wilbur had the chance too.
"Okay these are good"
"Right!? Definitely worth pushing past people for."

Kai had decided that she didn't want to do any rides after she had seen them, they instead played a few smaller games (like hook a duck) and won a few prizes in them, they went to the arcade where they made a small competition between them to see who could get more tickets..

  Kai had won that competition as she was very, very stubborn.

It was now around 6pm and the pair were sat in the train station, waiting for Kai's train.

6:03PM, 2nd March, 2021
Location: Train Station

Kai's POV

She was currently laughing her ass off at something Wilbur had said as she held a bottle of coke in her hands. "That's fucking ridiculous!"
"Made you laugh though!"
She felt her face go warm as he said that, calming down and smiling a little.
"I'll have to come up again soon.. I had a lot of fun."
"For sure! Maybe you can meet some friends of mine?"
"Depends who, that Tommy kid seems like a handful."
"He is, ohhh he is, but when he's off camera he's really not that bad, I think you'll like him"
"We'll see."

Soon after she heard the announcement for her train and stood up.
"I better get going, thank you again." She hugged him tightly and handed him the panda plush they had won. "Keep it, I'll get it next time I come down!"

"Bye Kai."
"Bye Wilbur, see you soon"

She waved to him before getting onto the train, she watched him walk away and smiled to herself, putting on music through her headphones, she rested her head on her arm and fell asleep.


8:24pm, 2nd March 2021
Location: A random street in Portsmouth

dumbfounded | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now