love you!!

20 1 0

11am, 7th March, 2021
Location: Kai's House


She had passed out on the sofa the night before and was woken up by the horrible weather outside, Wilbur must have still been asleep as it was only her downstairs, she had been sat on the sofa writing new lyrics, music was something she enjoyed and others enjoyed too but it was also something that she found therapeutic, she was able to put emotions into her songs and that's what she was doing now, she was using it as a coping mechanism to deal with what she went through, a strange way to do it but it worked for her. She was sat covered with blankets, her laptop on her lap, a warm drink on the end table next to her, one of the Harry Potters on the TV.

The girl turned to look behind her, seeing the man trudging down the stairs.
"Morning Wil, sleep okay?"
"Mhm.. you didn't have to surrender the bed to me"
"I didn't, I came downstairs to do something and just kinda fell asleep.."
"Mm.. okay.."

She rolled her eyes as she watched the man head towards the kitchen. She continued to get on with what she was originally doing but slowly got trapped in scrolling through Facebook on her laptop, she had recently friended all her family members again and was enjoying looking at all the things going on in their lives, the sofa soon went down next to her and she turned to face the man.
"Hi Wilbur"
"I got a croissant"
"What kind?"
The girl leaned over and took a bite out of it, smiling at him with her cheeks full.
"Wil I think I wanna get a dog"
"Well that's random, what's made you decide that?"
She turned the laptop towards him, showing an advert from a dog shelter.

"Okayyy.. but with uni commitments are you sure your gonna be able to handle a dog?"
"Mhm! I think it'd be good for me to have an animal, I mean it's gonna be really lonely here now so.."
"Why's it gonna be lonely?"
"Well your gonna go home eventually, your only here because the nurse said I need to be watched for a week."
"Yeah but I can always visit.."
"Mhm.. well I need to finish this, and then we can go do something"
"Are you gonna be okay going out and about?"
"I'll be fineeee Wil."

The man turned and started watching Harry Potter, she leaned against his shoulder tapping away and finishing off the song she was producing then submitted some uni work she was behind on.


3pm, 7th March, 2021

Wil had gone out to get food for the two of them and Kai was still tapping away at things on her laptop, that was until an email came through. She looked at it closely and a smile began to grow on her face, she rapidly searched for her phone and rang Wil.
"Kai? What happened?"
"What? Got what?"
"I didn't even know that was a thing but that's amazing!!"
"wha- okay, sure"

She hung up the phone, kicking her legs laughing to herself all her excited as she leaned back into the sofa. "This is gonna be awesome..!"

3:04pm, 7th March, 2021
Location: Wilbur's Car

Wilbur POV


huh, there's something he never thought he'd hear, especially not off her, he stopped at the supermarket and picked up all the things he asked her for and some extras then began driving back to her house, he'd not heard her this excited so maybe things really were turning around for her.. then again he hasn't really known her for that long, she did remind him of someone though and it annoyed him that he couldn't figure out who. He remained stuck in his thoughts until he got back to Kai's, when he did, he knocked on the front door letting her know he was here before he walked in, looking around.

He put the bag of food down on the side then walked upstairs with the stuff she asked him to buy.
"I got your stuff?"
"Thank You! dude I'm so excited like.. I could scream- I'm not gonna, but I could!"
"Yeah please, uh, please don't scream."
"Okay, are you gonna dish up food?"
"Okay, well I'm just gonna, get on with something else, you have fun!"
"Oh, Okay?"

The girl nodded and disappeared into the bathroom, Wilbur shrugged and went back downstairs and began to cook food for them. He wasn't an amazing chef but he could make some pretty good dishes if he tried that's for sure. Originally he wasn't gonna do anything fancy but then he decided 'Kai's had a rough time, let's do something nice for her'. And so he did. He made a very fancy meal, he set up the table all nice for them, he lit some candles, played some music through the TV, turned off the main lights and turned on the few lamps that Kai had scattered around. The table setup was a black & red theme, he turned on the LEDs that she had in the kitchen and made them a red colour, he sent Kai a quick text telling her not to 'come downstairs yet and wear something nice'. He was already wearing nice clothes but he pulled a knitted jumper on over his shirt just to look a little nicer, he put all the food on the table and stepped back to admire it, he also placed a bottle of wine on the table. He nodded, clearly impressed with himself and smiled, then texted Kai telling her it was okay to come downstairs.

Soon after the text was sent, footsteps were heard and he was watching to see her reaction.

He watched as she came around the corner, he immediately noticed as her face flushed red as she took everything in, looking around. Her gaze landed on him with a smile on her face, cocking her head to the side. He also noticed her hair, that was now a different colour but he'd question that later.
"What's all this?"
"I just thought.. the past couple of days have been rough..  why not do something nice."
"Wil.. it's lovely.."
"Here, sit down."

He pulled her chair out for her, let her sit down then pushed it back in, he poured her a glass of wine before sitting in his own seat opposite her, pouring himself a glass.
"I hope you like the food.. help yourself to it"
"This is amazing Wil.. really, thank you."
"Course.. also I love the hair, is it blonde?"
{ let's just pretend that you can get a perfect blonde colour in such a short time. }
"It is.. do you like it?"
"I do.. it looks lovely."

The man knew that his face had flushed, he had a thing for blondes.. especially blondes in tight dresses and.. -
He quickly picked up his glass, drinking it to take his mind away from where it was going, it wasn't like that between them.. was it? no..

He looked at her as she ate her food, watching as she drank her drink, his gaze flicking to her lips, she looked back at him, she bit her lower lip and his gaze flicked back up to her eyes. They stared at eachother for a moment before going back to eating.

Maybe it was like that between them.

{ spicy next chapter? 💁🏼‍♀️ }

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