sorry to be a bother

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10:27pm, 8th March 2021
Location: Kai's Bedroom

tw, Jared.

Kai's POV

She'd finally come up with a song and had sent it to the agency, she'd woken back up around 8:45pm and instantly went back to writing, she'd based it on something personal, after all , she was just writing a song to show her talent.

Kai slid off her bed, her bones stiff from being in the same position for so long, she stretched and crunches and cracks could be heard, she picked up her phone and wandered downstairs, there were a few lights on but not many.
"Wil? Tom? Hellooooo?"
They should be back by now, so where are they? She looked at her phone, seeing if either of them had text her but they hadn't, ah well.. peace for me. She walked into the kitchen, cleaning up the plates from when they ate earlier, kinda gross that they've been out this long..
after doing the plates she switched on the kettle to make herself a cup of tea, she was hungry but not starving.. so she ordered dominoes like any sane person would. She didn't get anything huge but she got something big enough for the boys to heat up and eat when they come back.

She poured the hot water into the mug, then the milk, she'd been used to Wilbur being around since she'd been home so it was weirdly eerie having no one around, she sat down on the sofa putting on Loki, getting wrapped up in watching it, 30 minutes went by before her doorbell rang, she tapped onto her phone to see if it was her dominoes but the app hadn't updated to being out for delivery yet. "Hm.." she walked over to the window, looking out of it and her eyes widened.

trigger starts.

She looked at the man standing outside the window and started backing away,
the door was unlocked,
no one else is home,
he knows she's home,

she looked around for her phone, she had it on her a second ago so why can't she find it now?
she jumped as she heard a loud knock on the front door, she eventually found her phone and quickly went onto Officer Hervey's contact, sending him a text which simply read.

'Hi Officer, I'm so sorry to be a bother but I really need you to come over to my house, he's back.'

She then ran upstairs, hiding in her bedroom as she watched him from her bedroom window, she could see him getting aggravated as he paced back and forth and it made her more nervous, she tapped onto Wilbur's contact and sent him a text which read. 'Hi Wil, please don't come back yet with Tommy, I'll explain why later but don't come back for at least an hour.'

She'd had a response from the officer to say he was on his way and now it was just a matter of waiting, sitting in her bedroom listening to the man shouting for her, banging on her door. He kept that up for 5 minutes then it fell silent. Then she could hear things downstairs being destroyed, he was in the house. She sent the officer another message asking how far away he was, he was 10 minutes away, she'd be okay.. as long as she just stayed quiet and didn't move.. she covered her mouth, staying silent..

and then her phone rang.

"shit.." she cursed to herself, rapidly trying to hang up but instead picking up accidentally.

{ Wilbur is bold, Jared is underlined, Kai is normal. }

"Kai? What's happened?"


"who's that..?"

"he's back! I've already gotten in contact with the police but they're 10 minutes away.. he's destroying all my things Wil..!"

"Tommy get in the car, Kai we're coming home."

"no! you can't come back, if you come back he's gonna hurt you and then it's gonna be my fault..! Wil! Wil?"

He'd hung up on her, at the worst time, right as Jared burst into the bedroom door, finding her and throwing a glass bottle at her head, everything went dark and sirens could be heard outside her house.

trigger over

Location: Kai's House
Wilbur POV

{ Wilbur is bold, Tommy is bold and underlined, Officer Hervey is underlined, Kai is normal. }

His eyes scanned the house, Kai was being treated by a paramedic, she had cuts in several places, her head was bleeding and she was crying. Jared was in handcuffs being spoken to by Officer Hervey. Tommy was sat next to him looking at what happened. "Wil.."
"Not now Tommy.."

He got out of the car and started walking over, Officer Hervey walking over to him. "Where were you William?"
"Sorry Officer.. we had a friend over so I took him out."
"William your supposed to be watching over her.. you shouldn't leave her side."
"With all due respect, that's not fair Officer.. Jared isn't supposed to be within 2m of my house, it's not Wil's responsibility to be watching over me, it's the role of the police to be ensuring that Jared is upholding the agreement."
"Kai.. are you okay?"
The officer walked away, giving the two space to speak.

"I'm fine, the paramedic wants me back in hospital but I've refused to go.."
"I'm so sorry I wasn't here.. for you.."
"Wil it's not your fault, I'm sorry for being such a burden for you.."
"You are not a burden Kai, not at all."
"Where's Tommy?"
"He's still in the car."
She nodded and walked away from him, Wil watched as she walked to the car, Tommy instantly getting out and hugging her, the teen had tears in his eyes and so did Kai, the two had gotten very close in such a short amount of time, they cared for eachother like siblings.

After a while everything seemed to calm down, Jared being locked up, the officers leaving, the paramedics double checking that Kai was okay then leaving. Kai was the first one to go back in the house, tears sliding down her face as she stared blankly at the damage done to her house. Her TV was smashed, there were glasses, mugs, etc smashed all on the floors, it was a mess. "I'll clean up Kai, you head to bed."
"It's okay Wil.. I'll cle-"
"No Kai, go back upstairs please.. I'll tidy up."
She nodded and Tommy followed after her, he smiled at Wilbur and the two of them nodded at them like some sort of understanding. Tommy would take care of her, he knew that..

dumbfounded | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now