that sounds like a good idea

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11:47pm, 17th March 2021
Location: Kai's House
Kai's POV

Wilbur had fallen extremely ill after a few days of staying with Kai and that meant he had to go home and rest, he wasn't able to stay with her as she was constantly in and out of the house or recording music so it was never quiet. She had been home alone for roughly a week and a half and she was starting to feel lonely, she hasn't realised how much she enjoyed his company and how weird it was without it. They been messaging but she hasn't heard off him at all that day and that left an unsettling feeling in her stomach, she was lying in her bed, staring out her window when she saw headlights pull onto her drive.. weird, she wasn't expecting anyone. She crawled from under her covers to have a look outside, seeing a familiar black car and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. She ran down the stairs in an oversized T-shirt which belonged to a certain brunette man, she opened her door and stood there, seeing the tall figure walk towards her.

"I missed you.. can I stay here?"

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and she was scooped up, taken upstairs and plonked on her bed.
Kai scrambled up grabbed Wilbur's checkered pj trousers and threw them at him, watching as he stood up and went to the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror for a while, looking at her curves, people online praised her for the body she had but she knew what she went through to have it, she let out a soft sigh, looking away as she headed to the bathroom, she knocked on the door hearing a faint "come in.." she smiled seeing Wilbur brushing his teeth, he passed Kai her toothbrush and she stood next to him as they brushed their teeth, Wilbur constantly trying to lighten the mood by jokingly saying or doing something inappropriate, he snaked his arms around the woman's waist and placed his head in the crook of her neck, kissing her softly, Kai put the toothbrush away as she glanced at the two in the mirror, a smile tugging at her lips. "come on, let's get into bed." Wilbur let go of her and followed her to the bedroom, she tied her hair up before sliding into the bed next to Wilbur, they fit together like two puzzle pieces, the man intertwined his legs with hers and lazily threw an arm around her waist, their bodies flushed together as they basked in the others company and warmth, nothing being said. "Goodnight Wil.."
"Night Kai.."

** time skip **

They slept until about 11am, Wilbur being the first to wake up, he sat up slightly as he looked down at her and brushed some loose hair from her face, her eyes fluttering open as she glanced at him. "Hi.." she mumbled, snuggling herself into the man. "Morning.. you sleep okay..?"
"Pretty well.."
He hummed in agreement as he gently took the hairband out of her hair, running his fingers through it, his gaze fixated on her
"We don't have anything we need to do today do we..?"
"I don't think so, why..?"
"We should just, stay in bed.."
"That sounds like a good idea." Wilbur reached over, switching on the tv at the end of the bed, putting on a Disney film.

** time skip **

Wilbur looked down at his phone as it dinged and turned it on, seeing Tommy had tagged him in a post.


Tommyinnit @/Tommyinnit
hello @/wilbursoot, myself and tubso would like to record a vlog. please get in touch with my manager to confirm a date.
   WilburSoot @/wilbursoot
  hello tommyinnit, Kai (your manager) has said that tomorrow should be good, she will be in contact to confirm an activity

  Kai🤡 @/kaisgay
  @/TubboLive help?

Wilbur chuckled and set his phone down, sliding out of bed as he walked to the bathroom, calling to Kai.
"I'm going for a shower!"
"I'm coming!"
"I'm joining yOuUuuU!"

She did a little jog over to him, meeting him in the bathroom as he took his shirt off, she smiled a little and turned on the hot water, she slowly removed her own shirt, she dimmed the bathroom lights a little as they hurt her eyes, they'd been in the dark practically all day except for the light from a screen. She turned to face Wil who was standing looking at himself in the mirror, she smiled softly, taking her phone out
as she took a photo of the two in the mirror, going onto Twitter.

Kai🎸 @/kaikkama


She switched her phone off, wandering into the bedroom as she threw her phone on the bed, Wilbur already in the shower

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She switched her phone off, wandering into the bedroom as she threw her phone on the bed, Wilbur already in the shower.

next chapter has smut <33

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