so no water?

18 0 0

8pm, 7th March 2021
Location: Kai's Kitchen

Kai POV:

[ warning: this chapter includes smut ]

She and Wilbur found themselves to be quite tipsy, clearly the wine was quite strong, she found herself giggling at a lot of the things Wilbur said, even if they weren't funny but her gaze was fixated on his lips.. they looked so soft, she wondered what he'd taste like, would he taste like red wine and chocolate or something completely different..?

"You know.. I used to know a blonde girl, you remind me of her a lot."
"Why are you talking to me about another girl Wil?"
"You just remind me of her, you pull off blonde way better than she did though, you look a lot hotter."

She scrunched her nose up at that comment and stood up from the table, walking into the kitchen where she began to pour the two of them glasses of water, that was until she felt hands land above her waist, a body pressed against her own and soft breathing against her shoulders, neither of them dare spoke above a whisper.

"Who's the water for..?"
"Us, we should get the alcohol out of our system.."
"Are you drunk..?"
"Well.. No but.."
"Neither am I."
"So.. no water..?"

She slowly turned to face him, she was pushed up against the counter with him towering over her, if this was anyone else she'd feel threatened but she trusted him..  she looked at his lips then back up at his eyes.

"No water.."

He leaned in a little closer to her and she tipped her head up slightly to meet him, he took this a sign that it was okay and closed the gap. He tasted like red wine and chocolate, just like she thought he would have, he was so careful with her and it made her heart flutter, she felt a hand land on her thigh and she pulled away from him, she hopped onto the counter where he fit perfectly between her legs, he kissed her again but this time with more passion, more emotion, she bit his bottom lip and dragged it through her teeth as she looked at him, waiting for a reaction, he kissed her softly on the lips before trailing down her jaw and her neck, he remained on her neck and softly kissed different spots, she thought her heart was going to explode with the rate it was beating, she bit her lower lip and scooted towards him slightly which earned quite a hard grab on her thigh, his nails digging into her skin as he peppered more kisses on her neck, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Wilbur pushed up against her more, pulling him closer to her.
"Are you okay..?"
"Mhm.. upstairs?"

She asked him and watched his eyebrow quirk, he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around her neck. He wasted no time in laying her on the bed, he removed his jumper and belt, leaving them both clothed just a couple less layers. His hands moved up and down her sides, landing at the straps and he looked at her, he raised a brow and she nodded, she began to slide her dress off which she moved her body to comply with it, she'd made the right choice when she picked matching underwear, she felt his hands on her skin and let out a breath of contentment.

"So pretty.. you're gorgeous.."

She smiled a little at his comments and tugged at his shirt which he took off and leaned back over her, he kissed her again and she laced her hands in his hair, tugging at it slightly which earned a groan from him, she made a mental note of that and let go of his hair as he began to make his way to her neck again, he kissed one area and bit it slightly which earned a whimper from the girl, he sucked the spot and left behind a purple mark, looking quite proud of himself as he began to kiss down her body, down her chest, down her stomach and stopping just above her underwear as he looked up at her, she couldn't look away from him, she was fixated on the way he moved and the way he made her feel.

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