Heating Pad

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Katsuki was alway sensitive to temperature. Hot weather was good for his quirk, he sweats a lot. Cold weather has him shivering no matter how many layers of clothes he has on. From a young age, he always sought out the greatest heat source to snuggle up to, and that had alwys been Deku. Even when the blonde had started tormenting the poor boy.

Every winter, Katsuki could be seen at the Midoriya househols, snuggling the warmest person he knew. Deku was even warmer than Todoroki. This winter, the class of 2-A had a big snuggle fest as the heater had broken. Todoroki became a furnace, and blankets were brought down from everyone's room. Everyone was in a huddle. Everyone except Izuku and Katsuki.

Katsuki dragged down like ten blankets that he kept in his closet just for winter. Izuku had sighed, accepting his fate. The blonde laid on the floor and put eight of the blankets on top of himself. Izuku climbed ontop of the blonde and laid down. He was the ninth blanket. The greenette then put the last to blankets over himself.

Everyone just stared at the weird sight. Weren't these two boys usually trying to kill each other? The class stared at the cuddling boys. Katsuki was purring. The angry, exploding pomeranian was purring.

"What's happening?" Ochaco asked Tenya. The sonic knockoff just shrugged. Shoto gained his conspiracy look. The only one not affected was Shinso. He was dozing off on Kaminari's shoulder.

"Now that I think about it. Didn't they constantly disappear last winter too?" Tsuyu voiced. Todoroki's quirk being able to keep her awake.

"Are you saying they do this every winter? Don't they hate each other?" Sero asked.

"Revelry in the darkness," a certain bird replied.

"Honestly, not the weirdest thing I've seen Bakubro do. I've seen him mummble like Midoriya about strategy and cooking," Kirishima said.

"If you fuckers don't stop talking about me, I'll come over and blow your fucking heads off!" the angry pomeranian yelled as he woke up.

"Kacchan be nice. I don't have to do this for you," the blonde froze at his heating pad's threat. He just huffed and went back to sleep. The rest of class 2-A just, stared. Weirdest winter yet.

A/N Hope y'all like this. It's short but cute.                                                                                                            ~Lilith out

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