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All of class 2-A could agree on one thing. Izuku was incredibely strong, even without his quirk. There were multiple occasions when this was proven. Each one stumping the occupents of the room. Their greenette was scary.

Occasion #1

Satou was teaching Hagakure and Ojiro how to bake a simple cake, when the vanilla extract was dropped. The bottle rolled under the fridge. Satou was about to lift the heavy cooling box, when Izuku walked up and lifted the entire thing. . . with one hand. The three bakers watched in shock as Izuku, holding the fridge in one hand, bent down to pick up the bottle. He handed the extract to Satou, smiled his blinding smile, and set the fridge down. The greenette walked off muttering something about increasing his weight training. The bakers thought it unnecessary. He was clearly strong enough.

Occasion #2

Kirishima, Bakugou, Izuku, and Ochaco were helping Cementos build an obstacle course for class 2-B. Kirishima and Bakugou were working together to carry a heavy 2x4 metal beam, when Izuku walked by with three of them on his shoulder. There wasn't any lightning or glow, so he wasn't using his quirk. They chalked it up to Ochaco using her quirk. Until they saw him set the beams down with a loud bang. Weightless objects don't make that sound. Kirishima looked over at Ochaco, and he saw her laying face down on a stack of yoga mats. The pomeranian and rock boy then turned back to Izuku. There was no way. They couldn't even lift one without help. Then they saw him lift up three more. No quirk. Izuku was scary.

Occasion #3

Class 2-A was training in gym Gamma. They were fighting 2 v 2, and they weren't aloud to use quirks. Everyone was deep into their battles when they heard a loud yelp. Everyone turned to see Izuku deadlifting Ashido. They watched as Ashido curled into a ball, and Izuku hurled her at their opponents. Kaminari and Jiro, the opponents, quickly moved out of bounds when Ashido started to dance attack them. Aizawa immediately walked up to the group.

"Problem child. What on Earth gave you the idea to throw your teamate at your opponents?" The tired teacher asked.

"She did," Ashido looked confused. Aizawa sighed.


"Well, Kaminari and Jiro were staying away from us, likely trying to think of a plan, when Ashido said that if I coud use my quirk, then I could just throw her at them. I told I could, and then I did," Izuku explained as if it was the obvious thing in the world. This kid is weird,

Occasion #4

Koda was a tall person, but there are some things that he can't reach on his own. Class 2-A were grocery shopping to stock the dorms and Koda needed rabbit food. One problem. The rabbit food is on the very top shelf. The animal speaker was contemplating ways to get the food down. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he was suddenly lifted onto somebody's shoulders. Koda looked down to see a full head of green hair.

"You wwanted the rabbit food right?" the greenette asked. Koda just nodded and grabbed the bag of rabbit food. Midoriya gently set the boy down and walked away. Koda noticed that both of the boys hands were full. Midoriya was just holding him with his shoulders? Koda almost passed out.

Occasion #5

All of class 2-A, sans Izuku and Katsuki, gathered around a table. They all agreed that it was time to find out how Izuku got so strong. Each student had spent the last week spying on Izuku. It was determined that the entire class would go to gym Gamma where Izuku spends the evening training. Nobody knows what goes on in there, but they were going to find out.

The entire class 'sneekily' made their way down to the huge gym. They could hear loud grunts as something was hit over and over again. Kirishima decided to be the brave one, and he opened the door. They saw Katsuki punching the daylights out of a punching bag, and Izuku bench pressing. This would all seem very lowkey if it weren't for the fact that Izuku was bench pressing a bar with over a thousand pounds added, and to top it all off, All Might in his buff form was standing on top of the bar. He alone added four hundred pounds, but that's not all. All Might was holding a bar of his own. Five hundred pounds on each end.

In the end, the class decided that Izuku was just a god and they shouldn't ask questions. They were not ready for the answers.

A/N: I hope y'all like. I've always had this idea. I mean, Izuku gets hurt a lot. He gets jicjed down really easily, but he had a 400 lb all might on his back while he was a twig. You cannot tell me that buffed Izuku is 10 times stronger.                                                                                                      ~Lilith out

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