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There is a little secret that Izuku had always bee afraid to share with anyone. His mom and Katsuki being the only two to know anything. Although, keeping this secret is one of the reasons they were in this situation.

Class 2-A was having a really good day. Everyone was having a party in the common room. Snacks were being brought out by Satou. The punch was spiked by Mina, and everyone in the class was thoroughly drunk. The drunk teenagers didn't care what was in the snacks, but they should have.

The party was suddenly cut short by a certain greenette gasping for air as his face swelled like a balloon. Katsuki, the only person not reasonably drunk, quickly asked Satou, also not drunk due to cooking, if there were any peanuts in the snacks. As Satou confirmed that the cookies were peanut butter, Katsuki was pulling out a syringe and injected it into Izuku's thigh. The swelling went down and the wheezing stopped. Katsuki had to carry Izuku up to his room as he passed out due to lack of oxygen.

When he came back down, Katsuki was bombarded with questions. Everyone was worried for the greenette.

"The damn nerd is deathly allergic to nuts." Whispers went around the room, "He'll be fine, just give him a few hours to rest."

Ever since, class 2-A was extremely paranoid about giving the nerd any food. They triple check if anything in the greenette's meal had any contact with nuts of any kind. They almost had a heart attack when they caught Izuku munching on a bag a walnuts. The whole class nearly strangled him, afraid that he was trying to commit suicide. After the scolding that he was given, Izuku explained calmly that he wasn't allergic to walnuts. The class was embarrassed. They decide to leave Izuku's allergy to himself. Aizawa did give everyone a small lesson on what to do when someone goes into anaphylactic shock in response to the incident. Izuku just decided to eat his walnuts in secret.

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