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Izuku was having a bad week. Bakugou accidently caused an explosion during an exercise. Unfortunately, Izuku was right next to the suddenly really bright light. This sudden light mixed with the complete darkness they were in caused his eyes to shut down defensively. He was blind for at least 24 hours, it could last up to a week though. This would cause many problems if he hadn't practiced moving in the dark when he was a child. He could navigate the whole city blind. The problem came from his classmates. They thought he was completely useless now that he couldn't see.

Instance #1

Bakugou was in charge of Izuku babysitting duty since he was the one who caused the blindness. It wasn't his fault that someone snuck up on him in complete darkness. *Cough*Deku*Cough*. Katsuki was actually the only person who thought that Izuku didn't need to be looked after. If not for the fact that they grew up together and Katsuki knew Izuku's habits, then the murderous look that Izuku gave everyone definitely clued him in. He was walking with the nerd to class when a blonde pest crawled its way over to antagonize the pissed off students.

"I heard that some snobby 2-A student got blinded yesterday" Monoma said so that the whole hallway could hear. All of the other students started to whisper.

"So what?" Katsuki snarked.

"Well, how could the number 1 hero student get blinded? I mean, Deku is supposed to be the strongest, right?" More whispers followed that statement. Everyone was looking at Deku.

"It's only for a few days Monoma. I'll be fine," Izuku said calmly.

"Yeah right! A blind cripple has no place being in the hero course! How are you going to protect anyone? Stumble into stuff as you try to fight the villain?" Monoma started laughing. Katsuki was about to beat the living shit out a the stupid rat, no offense to the almighty rat god, but Izuku beat him to it. Everyone stared in shock at Izuku as he walk over, punched Monoma in the face, then walked off to class 2-A.

Instance #2

Izuku was back in the dorms, listening to music as he made dinner. Everyone was doing something else, and he had memorized their kitchen top to bottom. He was doing just fine until Yoamomo yelped in fright and took the cooking utensils from Izuku. Under normal circumstances, Izuku would have been fine, except he was listening to music, so he couldn't hear Yoamomo speed walking in his direction. Everyone stared as Izuku flipped the poor girl onto her back. It's not really a good idea to startle a blind person. Especially if they could lift thousands without their quirk.

Instance #3

Aizawa had been exempting Izuku from any physical activities at the moment. Aizawa wasn't one to let disabilities slow one down, but when this is something new, he wanted his student to get used to it before slowly adding stuff to Izuku's blind world. If this was permanent, then Aizawa would make damn sure that Izuku became the best blind hero in the whole damn world. Unfortunately, Izuku couldn't read Aizawa's mind, so he was a little frustrated at being left out. This caused the idiot to challenge the whole class to a duel.

Aizawa was a little apprehensive at first, but he gave in when he saw the look in his problem child's eyes. Katsuki was the only person that really wanted to duel, but the rest of the class agreed. The bastards went easy on the greenette. Well, except for Katsuki, but he was never going to go easy on the nerd. Izuku beat the shit out of everyone and eventually it was just him and Katsuki. Everyone left the gym that day with a whole lot more respect for their resident broccoli boy.

When Izuku got his sight back, Aizawa made everyone wear blindfolds during gym incase this ever happened to anyone else. Izuku was laughing as everyone stumbled around the gym. Katsuki was just frozen in fright, as he couldn't hear very well. Eventually the poor boom boom boi was exempt from the exercise. By the end of the week, the whole class of 2-A was walking around perfectly in blindfolds.

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