Should Of Known

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Honestly, Ochaco should have known. There were many signs. Too many signs. Did the rest of the class know? I mean, he practically fanboys over Katsuki. He's not really comfortable with female interaction of any kind. Honestly, he treated her like a little sister.

He was always so kind. He never judged her for her goals or lack of money. He never made fun of her looks or the weird birthmarks on her cheeks. That's probably what made the floaty teen miss out on the obvious signs. The fixation on her male classmates more than her female classmates, or even herself. The blushing and nervous energy around certain people. And the clothes. Oh, the clothes. He would dress better than she did sometimes. The painted nails. The hair clips. Her smitten brain looked past all the obvious signs.

So, why was it such a surprise that when Ochaco confronted her green haired classmate to confess her love, he turned her down, "But why? I thought you were into me. We are awfully close," She stated as she tried to puff out her chest.

"I think of you as a little sister. . . Even so, it would be really awkward," Deku trailed off as he tried to continue cooking. Ochaco was making him burn his katsudon. No one burn his katsudon.

"Why does it have to be awkward? It basically be the same relationship we have now, except with added benefits~" Deku shuddered at the purr in his ear. She mistook it as a shiver of excitement. She thought that she was getting to him.

"I-I don't n-need the added benefits. Thank you," Deku pulled the pork off of the stove and set into a bowl of rice. Ochaco loved it  when she could make the boy stutter.

"Oh? is there another girl?" Ochaco got closer, emphasizing her chest as Izuku tried to look away, "Bet I'm better than her~"

Deku shivered again as he tried to get away. Ochaco wouldn't let him leave the kitchen. She just couldn't take no for an answer. That's when he saw a very tall, intimidating blonde walk up behind the persistent girl.

"I'm pretty sure he said 'no', Round Face," Katsuki growled as he pushed pass the irritated girl. He grabbed the greenette's wrist and started dragging him out of the kitchen. Just before they got out of sight, Katsuki looked behind him, grinning, "And no one's better than me Bitch~"

Deku gave an embarrassed shout as his boyfriend continued to drag him to the dorm rooms, leaving behind a very flustered, irritated, and embarrassed Ochaco behind. Yeah, she should have known.

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