Chapter Two: Expedition Part One

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{Levi's Point of View}

We had been riding for hours on end and yet saw no titans. A part of was feeling suspicious.

"Corporal." I heard (Your first name) close in beside me and whisper. "I need you to confirm something for me."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what may that be?"

"Is it just me or there hasn't been any titans, destroyed property, or noises at all other then ourselves?"

"So I'm not the only one who's suspicious?"

(Your first name) shook her head. "We should've crossed titans by now. They should be flooded in considering it's still new territory to them and that Wall Rose is overpopulated. It may be wise to settle down early tonight and scout around us."

"Considering it's our first time working together, I'm surprised we can agree on something so quickly."

"There's a town about an hour ahead of us but I recommend avoiding it and traveling to a smaller town in the east. The larger the town, the more likely there are to be titans. We can check the larger town together at night. I simply suggest you pick your most level headed cadet to take charge while we're gone."

"Is there a cadet in particular you had in mind?"

"Mikasa Ackerman. Eren Jeager is strong but he lacks common sense and Armin Alert is smart but he lacks bravery. Ackerman is the perfect middle ground."

"I hear your point. Very well then. Take lead to the small town."

(Your first name) took lead and we rode about another hour and a half before we came across the small town. (Your first name) had stopped all of us before we officially made it to any buildings.

"Wait ten minutes and then walk the rest of the way. I'm going to make sure the area is clear."

"Shouldn't Corporal Ackerman go with you Captain?" One of (your first name)'s cadets asked.

"No. This area is small enough that I can clear it out myself. Corporal Ackerman will lead you to the building he sees fit for the night. I will rejoin you all momentarily."

Though I had plans in arguing with her, I had wished she would have let me get a word in before she left. If there was one thing I could say about (your first name), it was that she knew how to take charge without over stepping her boundaries. She was one hell of a damn good Corporal.

I jumped off my horse. "Dismount from your horses. We'll be walking from here on out." We waiting for about ten minutes and then slowly made our way towards the buildings. It was truly a small town. There were no farms, about twenty houses, and a couple of businesses such a pharmacy and a post office. After examining a few hours I decided on one with a basement. If titans were to attack, a basement would make a strong temporary hold up. We tied our horses around the house onto trees and fences before entering. It was rather clean considering it had been abandoned for quite some time. It didn't take long for the cadets to start setting up their sleeping bags. I imagined they were all starting to get hungry by now.

"Captain Levi."

"Tch. What is it?" I asked as one of Captain (your first name)'s cadets spoke to me.

"Should we hand our rations?"

"Not yet. Corporal (your last name) planned the rations and therefore she will be in charge in handing them out."

"Understand Sir. Speaking of Corporal (your first name), how much longer do you think she'll be?"

"I'm sure Corporal (your act name) can handle herself. I wouldn't worry too much."

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