Chapter Seven: Recovery Part One

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{Reader-Chan's Point of View}

Hanji approached and gently hugged me. I could tell she was being as careful as possible not to hurt me and that her hug was out of genuine care.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I can tell I'm drugged up." I decided to be sarcastic to lift the mood.

Hanji laughed. It was her usual overly cheerful one. "That's because you've been drugged enough to knock out a horse." She remarked. "When Levi brought you in I wasn't for sure if you were going to make it. You probably don't remember but when I had to set your rib back into place with metal and screws, but you woke up screaming in agony. Levi yelled at me to do something. It was then I decided it would be best to keep you sedated for a little while." Hanji looked sadden and I felt guilty that she had to see me like that.

I placed my hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry I had to put you through that Hanji. If you makes you feel any better, I honestly don't remember it all. I'm okay now."

Hanji nodded. "You still need to stay in bed for a while. Don't walk around without Levi, though you shouldn't walk much at all."

I shook my head in confusion. "What do you mean don't walk around without Levi?"

"Huh? Did he not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

Hanji sighed. "I knew I couldn't count on him to tell you. Levi has sat by your side day and night even though I told him you weren't waking up for at least a week. Levi refused to leave your side so your squads won't be assigned to any missions until you're able to get back on your feet again. He said something about how you just don't need to be alone. Silly considering you've been asleep this whole time. He must have been really grateful that you saved Jeager."

Why did I feel like that wasn't it? We were just having a conversation about it until Hanji came in but it seemed as though he didn't get to say what he really had on his mind.


"Hmmm?" She stopped her rambling.

"Thank you for everything, but I need to find Levi."

"Huh? I don't think I've ever heard you call him by his first name."

"I forgot to tell him something important but I still would prefer not to see my cadets just yet."

"I see. I'm sure he headed back to his quarters for now. I can go get him."

I shook my head. "Can you help walk me to his quarters? I think getting up will do me some good and all the cadets should be asleep by now."

"Very well. Let me take your IV out first."

"Aren't you going to have stick me again later if you do that?"

"I try not to be leave it in the same spot for too long as it bruises your skin easily. It would probably cause quite a lot of pain if I constantly left it in the same area."

"Is that what these other wraps on my arm are?"

Hanji nodded as she removed my IV. I hated seeing my own blood and so I closed my eyes. I felt extremely queazy when I was holding my side back in the collapsed wall tower.

"All done." Hanji said as she wrapped my arm up. "Let's get ready for that walk." Hanji stood up and grabbed a wheel chair. I was confused as we had agreed on 'walking.' "I'll be behind you the entire time. We you get too tired or feel like you're going to fall you can sit down and I can wheel you the rest of the way." She brightly smiled as though she was proud of herself.

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