Chapter Five: Expedition Part Four

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{Reader-Chan's Point of View}

"What are you doing?" I didn't bother to turn around from my task as I knew Levi's voice like I know how to kill titans.

"Getting ready to cook brunch. For the next two days we're monitoring the titans I'll make brunch and dinner."

"Tch. That's not what I meant."

I let a silence fill the air as I gather some much needed courage. I could feel Levi's stare at the back of me burning through my uniform. "Thank you." I finally managed to spit out.

"For what?"

I took a deep breath and faced Levi. "Greyson was on watch when I woke up. He told me you're the one who laid me down."

When I had learned that Levi was the one who took care of me last night, I felt embarrassed and confused. Why would Levi Ackerman lay me down for bed? His cold stoic exterior didn't show any care towards anyone; especially me. I shook my head, also thinking about how I was slightly tipsy last night and a little more open than usual. I can't believe I showed Levi a softer side of myself.

"Tch. It was nothing. You hadn't slept in a while. You looked like shit."

I smirked upon hearing his words. There's that cold stoic exterior I was thinking of. "Yeah well, being covered in blood doesn't help that either." I remarked. "Brunch won't take long. We should prepare the cadets for the day. We may be monitoring titans but we were also instructed to take out any of them if we could."

"We can take turns with the squads. We can split each squad into two groups and form a larger single group from each smaller group. One monitors the wall while the other kills close by titans."

I nodded in agreement. "It's about time for everyone to start waking up. Do you want to do the honors?"

"I would enjoy nothing more than rudely waking up those brats." Levi walked towards all the cadets and starting yelling at them. In a way it was funny to see them scrabble in confusion. My stomach growled and I thought about how I've been a picky eater recently. I just didn't have the appetite for anything but today I should really force myself to eat brunch. After all, it was just simple sandwiches.

It didn't take long for all the cadets to wake up and eat. Today should be rather simple. Most of the cadets, if not all of them, had thanked for the food. It seemed as though Levi's squad really enjoyed my food. It was good to feel like they somewhat needed me for something.

"Alright Cadets. Today Corporal Ackerman's and I squad will work together to take turns between every couple hours monitoring how many titans enter the wall and killing ones that don't pose much of a threat. I want my squad and Captain Ackerman's squad to spilt into four total group. In other words each squad will divide into four groups. Make them as even as possible."

It didn't take long for the squads to form their groups. It was times like this were you knew who stuck with who; such as Haiden and Rose.

"Jeager's group and Haiden's group will stay on the wall with Captain (your last name) for the first rotation. The rest are with me." Levi decided who went where and I was supposed he let the group with Eren Jeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Alert stay with me for the first rotation.

"For my squad I want you to remember three simple rules. First, always listen to Captain Ackerman's orders." I started to raise my fingers in the air. "Second, be respectful to your new group. And third, if any of you refuse to follow Captain Ackerman's orders, he may punish you as he sees fit. Am I clear?"

"Yes Captain!"

"And as for Captain Ackerman's squad that's with me." I looked to the group that would be staying with me. "Know two things. First of all, I will not tolerate any disrespect towards me and my squad members. Second of all, as you should already know, while you're with me you're my responsibility. Do not question my orders as they are for your own safety. Am I clear?"

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