Chapter Six: Crumbled Disaster

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*Trigger warning: Gore and thoughts of suicide. If anyone here is struggling with something and needs a friend, please message me (the author) and I will be more than happy to listen to you!*

{Levi's Point of View}

I was prepared to take on the beast Titan on my own. I just needed to wound it enough for everyone to escape. But as soon as I had reached the wall, it disappeared into thin air. I was slapped with confusion. What had its goal been? I stopped onto a piece of the wall that hadn't been damaged. Thankfully only part of the top of it and the tower nearby was destroyed. I thought back to where I had last saw (your first name). She was close to the entrance of the tower, which was now gone. I did however see a small entrance where it use to be. Perhaps there was a hole and she managed to survive.

{Reader-Chan's Point of View}

"Damn it." I cried to myself as I shakily held onto my side. I was able to create a small hole with my swords into the Titan's hand to avoid getting crushed, but in the process I had let go of the two swords and fell into the tower; and broke my rib to the point where it penetrated my flesh. I was stuck in darkness and quickly bleeding out. I could just barely hold enough pressure to the wound to keep my awake. "Ah." I cried in pain. Even if there was a way out, I just couldn't move. I was as good as gone and I had to accept that.

I chuckled to myself. It was quite once again. I wondered what had happened to all the cadets, Corporal Ackerman, and the beast titan. I kept close for the time being as there was dust all around. I had finally come to terms with my end after what I only imagined was no more than thirty minutes. I couldn't hang on. Not like this. I was cold, covered in dust to the point where my uniform started to turn black, and completely out of energy and hope. At least so I thought. There was one thing I had that could give me hope. But not the hope one would think. I had a small gun. A gun I wasn't supposed to have at all. But I've always had it. I've had it since my underground days. It didn't work until I managed to come above ground for the survey corps and secretly fixed it up. Now I carried it with me in case there was ever an emergency. I struggled and winced at all my movements to grab the gun, but I did it. I brought the gun up to my head. This was the only hope I had to escape the pain. The only hope I had to make it all stop. I cocked the gun and took a deep breath. This was all happening so fast.


My hand fell to the ground and I laughed at myself. Of course I couldn't kill myself. Of course I didn't have the strength or courage to do such a thing. Instead I had ended up pointing the gun upwards and shorting it off. Was I desperate for someone to save me? No. I was desperate to not die alone; especially in the dark.

I closed my eyes again and let tears roll down my face. I'm sure that there was streaks of where they were taking dust off my face. I wasn't depressed about my slow incoming death. I was in too much pain to care about that. Damn it. Damn it all. At least I'll die, knowing I saved humanities last hope.

"You know you could have just called out for me instead of shooting off a gun you shouldn't even have."

I opened my eyes upon hearing Levi's voice. I looked to my side where I heard his voice and saw a small candle light. After the sounds of a few falling rocks, I saw Levi's face illuminated in the candle's land which he must have been holding. I coughed. I couldn't speak. My throat was dry and sore from weeping. Levi extended his hand out in the hole he had created.

"Hurry up and come help me dig to you."

{Levi's Point of View}

There was no response from (your first name) and I removed my hand to look at her once again. Her eyes looked as though she had cried a well full of water. She shook her head side to side, telling me no.

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