Chapter One: Assignment

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{Levi's Point of View}

"Good morning (your first name)!" I rolled my eyes as Hanji's excited tone rang through my ears. Much she always be so cheerful in the mornings?

"Good morning." I glanced to my side and watched as Corporal (Your last name) took her seat diagonally from me, beside Hanji. "Ackerman." She greeted me with a nod and my last name.

I returned the favor, "(Your last name)." (Your first name) and I had never been ones for conversation with each other. Perhaps it was because of the fact we came from the same place but never knew of each other. I remember when (your first name) first arrived to the Survey Corps. She reminded me much of myself. Malnourished with a rough attitude. She's changed. Just like how I've changed. She was still fragile and had an attitude at times but she wasn't as rough around the edges. We were similar in many ways but those ways were probably only noticeable by the two of us.

"Good morning Erwin." Hanji's cheerful voice snapped me from my thoughts. "You're late this morning."

"I was at a meeting for today's expedition."

"Tch. And it didn't include us?" I scoffed sarcastically.

"It's because we had decided that only two squads would be deployed today."

"Two?!" Hanji nearly spat out her coffee.

"Corporal Levi and Corporal (your last name) squads will be deployed. The expedition is simply to see how many titans are in Wall Maria. If possible, they should clear some out in the process."

"In other words you want numbers. You must be planing on sealing the wall soon." (Your first name) pointed out.

"Sharp as always (Your first name)." Erwin complimented (Your first name)'s analysis. "While all your squads are advanced, yours and Levi's are the best of the best."

(Your first name) scoffed. "You mean that Levi's is the best of the best." There was that attitude that she still carried. "My squad doesn't have a Titan shifter and two Ackerman on its side."

"Your squad may not have the strength as Levi's but all of your squad members intelligence exceeded Armin's on Levi's squad."

"That doesn't make him any less intelligent. Just a coward in other areas."

Though it pissed me off to hear (Your first name) speak of one of my squad members in such a tone, I knew she was right. Armin was intelligent but he was in fact also a coward.

"We have a lot of territory to cover." (Your first name) spoke up again. She was rather talkative this morning. She wasn't much of a morning person but all considering she always woke up on time and went about her day. "I believe it's best if we worry about titans on the far end of the Shinganshina district, where they are entering first. We should monitor how many tend to come in daily for a few days and calculate our plans from there."

Erwin nodded. "That's a good start. What grounds you cover will be between you and Levi's digression."

(Your first name) nodded. "We should pack to spend a couple of nights within the walls. Back tracking each day will take too much time."

I finished my hot tea and placed my cup down. With a large sigh I stood up. "My squad and Corporal (your last name)'s squad will join in a six day five night expedition. Pack according and meet at the stables in an hour."

(Your first name) stood up. "Anyone who's late will be left behind and in charge of cleaning every square inch of this place. My expectations on cleaning are the same as Corporal Levi's therefore I suggest you hurry along." Without another word, she walked away to her quarters.

I hadn't given it must thought, but (your first name) was a clean person indeed. I guess that's a habit we share from the underground. I made my way towards my quarters as well. It would be interesting to see how (your first name) and I paired together in the field. It would be our first time on an expedition with just the two of our squads.

~Time Skip: An hour later at the Stables~

"Everyone's here." (Your first name) sighed as she handed me a clip board with checks by everyone's name, including those in my squad. She must have beat me here and decided to take roll. "Alright cadets, listen up. I may not be all of you guys Corporal but when you're with me, I'm responsible for you. Think statically in everything you do and don't hesitate for a moment when facing a titan. I expect all of you to always return to our meeting point for dinner. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Captain!" Both our squads joined in unison.

(Your first name) then turned towards her squad in particular. "As my squad. You are to be respectful towards Corporal Ackerman and his squad. Give them a hard time and you will face the consequences. If Captain Ackerman gives you an order, you are to follow it. Do you understand?"

"Yes Captain!"

"Is there anything you wish to add Corporal Ackerman?" She glanced over at me.

I almost didn't know what to say. I was surprised by her short speech. Surprised she could address my squad and tell them she's responsible for them. Surprised that she addressed her squad to listen to me and respect my squad.

"You heard what Corporal (your last name) said. It works vise versa. Respect her squad and follow her commands if given any. Our meeting points will be discussed every night prior to our leave."

"Let's move out. We got some ground to cover today." (Your first name) mounted her house, which carried a carriage of supplies, as our squads moved to mount their own. I listened to Armin and one her cadets whisper to each other as they made way.

"Corporal (your last name) seems very trusting." Armin whispered.

"She gives us the same speech every time we join with another squad for an expedition. We once decided to ask her why and her honest answer surprised us. She told us that she didn't give the speak out to show that she trusted the other Corporals, but said it so they could trust her. She then said that while most of the time trust needs to earned, sometimes it can just be given; and in times like this, it should just be given."

"Wow. Captain (your last name) seems intelligent in more than one way."

"I've heard that her intelligence is higher than that of Erwin's but I don't know how true it is."

(Your first name) squad member's words rang through my ears. So I could trust her? That was definitely interesting.

{Time Skip: Both squads are at the gate, waiting to be let out, but the gate hasn't opened}

"Why hasn't the gate opened?" I heard mumbling from the cadets.

Suddenly (your first name) hopped off her horse and handed her reins to one of her squad members. She used her 3DMG and made her way up the wall. Within a mere seconds we heard a loud thud and the gate started to roll up. When it finished doing so, we were able to see (your first name) not far from us on a titan's corpse. She came down and met with the squad member she had left her horse with.

"There was a titan in the way and they didn't want to shoot at it and attract others." She turned her horse to face my own. "What formation would you prefer?"

I had to stop and think for a slight second. Was she leaving me in charge? "We'll ride side by side. We'll take charge. I'll have the right and you'll the left."

"Very well then. You heard Corporal Ackerman! Get into formation! My squad takes left! We need make it at least half way through tonight! Do not stop unless given orders to do! Any stray titans will be taken care of either by myself or Corporal Ackerman! Let's move!"

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